This publication describes the fabrication of an organ-on-chip device with integrated electrodes for direct quantification of transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER). For validation, the blood-brain barrier was mimicked inside this microfluidic device and its barrier function was monitored. The presented methods for electrode integration and direct TEER quantification are generally applicable.
Organs-on-chips, in vitro models involving the culture of (human) tissues inside microfluidic devices, are rapidly emerging and promise to provide useful research tools for studying human health and disease. To characterize the barrier function of cell layers cultured inside organ-on-chip devices, often transendothelial or transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) is measured. To this end, electrodes are usually integrated into the chip by micromachining methods to provide more stable measurements than is achieved with manual insertion of electrodes into the inlets of the chip. However, these electrodes frequently hamper visual inspection of the studied cell layer or require expensive cleanroom processes for fabrication. To overcome these limitations, the device described here contains four easily integrated electrodes that are placed and fixed outside of the culture area, making visual inspection possible. Using these four electrodes the resistance of six measurement paths can be quantified, from which the TEER can be directly isolated, independent of the resistance of culture medium-filled microchannels. The blood-brain barrier was replicated in this device and its TEER was monitored to show the device applicability. This chip, the integrated electrodes and the TEER determination method are generally applicable in organs-on-chips, both to mimic other organs or to be incorporated into existing organ-on-chip systems.
Organs-on-chips are rapidly emerging as a new and promising class of in vitro tissue models.1 In these models, cells are cultured inside microfluidic devices that are engineered in such a way that they mimic the physiological microenvironment of those cells.1,2 This results in more realistic physiological or pathological behavior of those cells than can be expected from conventional in vitro models of simple design and basic function.3,5,6 In addition, organs-on-chips provide a better controllable environment than in vivo models and can incorporate both healthy and diseased tissue from human origin to faithfully replicate both human physiology and pathology. The recently summarized advances in the development of blood-brain barriers on chips (BBBs-on-chips) show that the field is quickly moving forward.7
Another advantage of organs-on-chips is that they enable real-time and continuous monitoring of the tissue cultured inside the device by microscopy, on-line biochemical analyses and integrated sensors.1,2 For example, measuring transendothelial or transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) is a powerful method for monitoring non-invasively the development and disruption of barrier-forming tissues.8,9,10 TEER is the electrical resistance across a cellular barrier and is therefore indicative of the barrier integrity and permeability.10 In organs-on-chips, cellular barriers are generally cultured on a membrane that separates two fluidic channels, representing the apical and basolateral compartments of that barrier tissue. In such chips, TEER measurements can be conveniently conducted with electrodes inserted into the inlets and outlets of the two channels.3,4,11,12,13,14,15 However, manual insertion and reinsertion of the electrodes can easily result in placement errors and thus in variations in the measured resistance as e.g. the differences in resistance of longer or shorter paths through microchannels are significant compared to the cell barrier resistance.16 To eliminate reinsertion errors, devices with integrated electrodes have been proposed. However, most of these integrated electrodes block the view when inspecting the tissue culture17,18,19,20,21 and/or require specialized cleanroom processes for fabrication.17,22
The organ-on-chip device described in this publication, first applied in an earlier publication,16 combines the stability of integrated electrodes with visibility on the measured cell layer and easy fabrication. The design and fabrication of this chip is depicted in Figure 1. In short, this device consists of two polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) parts with channel imprints that are bonded together leakage-free with a polycarbonate membrane with 0.4 µm pores in between. Four platinum wire electrodes are inserted and fixed into place with a photocurable adhesive well outside of the culture area. All of these fabrication steps can be conducted with general laboratory equipment, without the need for a cleanroom environment. On top of this, six impedance measurements can be done using these four electrodes, thereby allowing direct isolation of the measured TEER, independent of the resistance of the microchannels leading up to the cross section and thus minimizing the influence of non-biological variations in the system such as (re)insertion errors.16
To show the applicability of this device and the direct TEER measurements, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was replicated in this chip. This biological barrier consists of specialized endothelial cells and regulates transport between blood and brain to provide brain homeostasis.23,24 To mimic the BBB, the top channel of the microfluidic device was lined with human cerebral microvascular endothelial cells from the hCMEC/D3 cell line (kindly provided by Dr. P.-O. Couraud, INSERM, Paris, France).25 The presented method is, however, more generally applicable to any organ-on-chip device with two compartments, enabling direct TEER determination using easily integrated electrodes.
In this manuscript, first the fabrication process of the organ-on-chip device with integrated electrodes is described. Next, the seeding procedure and culture of brain endothelial cells inside the device is explained, as well as the on-chip TEER measurements. In the results section, representative TEER measurements are shown and data processing is clarified. Lastly, the barrier function of the BBB-on-chip, monitored during 3 days, is presented, showing the applicability of the presented device and methods to monitor TEER.
1. Fabrication of the organ-on-chip device
2. On-chip culture of brain-derived endothelial cells
3. On-chip TEER measurements
The schematic results of electrical impedance spectroscopy through a chip without cells (solid line) and through a cellular barrier (dashed line) are shown in Figure 2A. Four main regions can be identified, each dominated by a specific electrical component. Below approximately 1 kHz, the double layer capacitance at the electrode-culture medium interface dominates, characterized by a negative slope for impedance magnitude and a phase shift approaching -90°. The frequency at which the double layer capacitance dominates, depends on the electrode area exposed to culture medium. The resistive plateau above 1 kHz (without cells) or 100 kHz (with cells) with a phase shift close to 0°, corresponds to the resistance of the culture medium inside the microfluidic channels, depending on channel length and cross-sectional area, and inside the membrane, depending on the porosity and thickness. When measuring through a cellular barrier, an extra resistive plateau between 1 and 10 kHz is seen as well as a local maximum in the phase diagram. This region is of critical importance for the determination of the TEER as a clear increase in impedance results when cells are present in the measured path, and is therefore termed the "region of interest". The extra slope between 10 and 100 kHz corresponds to the cell barrier capacitance, which arises from the electrically insulating lipid bilayer membranes and is dependent on the total area of the cell layer.27 The boundaries of these regions as well as the impedance magnitudes depend on the system being studied and change with, among other things, channel dimensions, culture medium conductivity, electrode position and cell type. For further reading about the theory and practice of electrical impedance spectroscopy on barrier-forming tissues the review article by Benson et al. is recommended.28
Representative data of the TEER measurements is shown for both a blank chip and a chip with a hCMEC/D3 brain endothelial cell layer in Figure 2E and 2F, respectively. In short, impedance spectroscopy was performed using six measurements with four electrodes: two measurements through cell culture medium-filled channels (solid lines) and four measurements through the channels as well as the membrane and - if present - the cellular barrier (dashed lines). These six measurement paths can be identified in the equivalent resistive circuit of Figure 2B, which is derived from the schematic cross section (Figure 2C) and top view (Figure 2D). The blank chip measurements (Figure 2E) show the typical shape of impedance spectra without cells, as illustrated in Figure 2A. The measurements through the cellular barrier (dashed lines in Figure 2F) resemble the typical impedance spectra with cells in Figure 2A. Note that both the impedance magnitude and the phase shift increase towards 1 MHz. This is the typical response of the measurement setup at high frequencies and is not of experimental origin.
To determine the TEER using these experimental impedance spectra, first the measured chip resistance is determined, which is the total resistance of the cell layer, channels and membrane. To this end, a suitable readout frequency in the region of interest was chosen, which is at the local maximum in the phase plot with cells and close to 0° phase shift without cells: 10 kHz. With the six measured resistances at 10 kHz, as measured between the four electrodes, the TEER is directly calculated using the equation in Figure 2F.
To show that the presented device is suitable for determining TEER in organs-on-chips, the BBB was replicated inside the chip and its TEER was monitored during 3 days of culture. In Figure 3A the average TEER ± standard error of the mean (SEM) is shown for four BBBs-on-chips, resulting in a plateau of 22 ± 1.3 Ω cm2, which is comparable to the TEER of this cell line as reported in literature.29 Furthermore, after termination of the experiment and fluorescence staining of the nuclei, it can be seen that the brain endothelium formed a continuous monolayer inside the device (Figure 3B). Immunofluorescence staining of tight junction protein Zonula Occludens-1 (ZO-1) showed that the brain endothelial cells maintained their BBB-specific phenotype and formed tight junctional complexes.
Figure 1: Design and assembly of the organ-on-chip device with integrated electrodes.
(A) Exploded view of the microfluidic chip, consisting of a top PDMS part with the top channel (TC), a membrane (M) and a bottom PDMS part with the bottom channel (BC). Four platinum wire electrodes (E1-4) are inserted and fixed in the side channels. In the top channel and on top of the membrane, hCMEC/D3 brain endothelial cells were cultured to replicate the BBB. (B) Assembled chip, fixed to a plastic dish. Reprinted and adapted with permission from Elsevier.16 Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Representative impedance data and determination of TEER.
(A) Schematic impedance spectrum showing impedance magnitude (Ω) and phase shift (°) versus frequency (Hz), typical for electrical impedance spectroscopy on chips without cells (solid line) and with cells (dashed line). There are four main regions, each dominated by: the double layer capacitance at the electrodes, the culture medium resistance, the cell barrier resistance and the cell membrane capacitance. The "region of interest" indicates where the contribution of the cell layer can be quantified (red arrow). (B) Equivalent resistive circuit of the chip, showing the top channel resistors R1 and R3, the bottom channel resistors R2 and R4 and the membrane and EC barrier resistor Rm. (C) Schematic cross section showing the endothelial cells (EC) cultured in the top channel. (D) Schematic top view of the BBB chip showing the configuration of the electrodes and the culture area of 0.25 mm2 through which the impedance is measured. (E) Representative impedance spectra of a blank chip filled with cell culture medium. (F) Representative impedance spectra of a chip in which hCMEC/D3 brain endothelial cells were culture for 3 days. (G) Formula to calculate TEER from the measured resistances between all six combinations of four electrodes. Reprinted and adapted with permission from Elsevier.16 Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Representative TEER development of BBB-on-chip.
(A) Average TEER ± standard error of the mean (SEM) of four BBBs-on-chips during a culture period of three days, reaching a plateau at 22 ± 1.3 Ω cm2 (average ± SEM). For comparison, data of blank chips is included, showing marginal variation and deviation from 0 Ω cm2 in the same period compared to the variation and TEER value of chips with cells. (B) Fluorescence microscopy of stained nuclei revealed a continuous monolayer of endothelium, both on PDMS and the membrane at the location indicated in the inset. (C) Immunofluorescence revealed the presence of tight junction protein Zonula Occludens-1, indicating that BBB-specific tight junctions between the cells give rise to the measured TEER. Reprinted and adapted with permission from Elsevier.16 Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
In this manuscript, the engineering of an organ-on-chip device and the direct determination of the transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) of a cellular barrier cultured in the device were presented. The presented method of integrating electrodes without cleanroom equipment and the direct TEER determination using four electrodes is applicable to any organ-on-chip device with two microfluidic compartments. The chip layout and geometry can be adapted to fit the requirements of the envisioned experiments, as long as the four electrodes are separated in two compartments. The four electrodes can even be conveniently inserted in the inlets of existing chips, provided that they are fixated in place for the duration of the six measurements. The leakage-free bonding method can be optimized for different membranes and channel geometries by changing the PDMS/toluene ratio. A higher toluene content results in a thinner spin-coated layer of mortar26 and may be more suitable for shallower and narrower channels in the PDMS parts. A lower toluene content results in a thicker mortar layer26 and may be more suitable to enclose thicker membranes between the PDMS parts.
As can be seen in the schematic impedance spectra in Figure 2A and the experimental spectra in Figure 2E and 2F, the impedance measurements are influenced by the double layer capacitance at the electrode-medium interface. Due to the small size of the electrodes inside the microchannels, the double layer capacitance can dominate over the resistive plateau of the cellular barrier in impedance spectra, complicating quantification of the TEER. To overcome this, the electrodes can be inserted further into the culture channels before fixation. This will increase the surface area of the electrode exposed to the culture medium and with that the double layer capacitance will increase as well. This results in a shift of the capacitive slope to lower frequencies, so that the resistive plateau of the cellular barrier can be more easily recognized and quantified. Although the resistance of the measured path between two electrodes will become smaller, this will not influence the TEER quantification following the presented method.
While measuring through the cellular barrier, it is possible that the extra resistive plateau cannot be recognized. This can be the result of a fluidic connection between the two channels, for example if the membrane is poorly enclosed by the mortar, leading to a measured path around the cellular barrier. In addition, there can be electrical bridging outside the chip if the electrodes are connected by a droplet of culture medium. This is generally combined with a lower measured impedance and can be solved by removing this bridge of culture medium. Lastly, if there is no resistive plateau and the measured impedance is orders of magnitude higher than expected, there may be a loose connection in the electrical wiring or at the power source.
In the future, the physiological relevance of the current BBB-on-chip can be increased by exposing the endothelial cells to shear stress at physiological levels, which is reported to promote BBB differentiation and increase barrier tightness and is hard to achieve in conventional in vitro models.29 In addition, the bottom channel of the presented device provides a suitable compartment for brain-derived cells to be co-cultured with the endothelium. This is also expected to increase the barrier function and also enables the study of the complex interactions between relevant cell types under pathological conditions.29
In conclusion, the organ-on-chip device described in this publication can be fabricated using standard laboratory equipment and is shown to provide direct TEER measurements using four integrated electrodes that do not impede visual inspection of the studied cell layer. The applicability of this device in the organs-on-chips field was demonstrated by mimicking the BBB in this chip and monitoring the TEER during the culture period. A host of other (barrier) organs can be mimicked by including other relevant cell types into this chip. In addition, the method for measuring TEER can be easily applied in other two compartment-based organ-on-chip devices to arrive at reproducible and meaningful TEER values that can be compared across devices and systems.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We gratefully acknowledge Johan Bomer for fabrication of the mold and Mathijs Bronkhorst for fruitful discussions and assistance with data representation.
This research was funded by: SRO Biomedical Microdevices of L.I. Segerink, MIRA Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Technical Medicine, University of Twente; SRO Organs-on-Chips of A.D. van der Meer, MIRA Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Technical Medicine, University of Twente; and VESCEL, ERC Advanced Grant to A. van den Berg (grant no. 669768).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Materials | |||
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) base agent and curing agent: Sylgard 184 Silicone elastomer kit | Dow Corning | 1673921 | |
Scotch Magic tape | 3M | ||
Biopsy punch, 1.0 mm diameter | Integra Miltex | 33-31AA-P/25 | |
Polycarbonate membrane, 0.4 µm pore size | Corning | 3401 | Cut from Transwell culture inserts |
Toluene | Sigma-Aldrich | 244511 | |
Platinum wire, 200 µm diameter | Alfa Aesar | 10287 | |
UV-curable adhesive: Norland Optical Adhesive 81 | Norland Products | NOA 81 | |
Epoxy adhesive: Loctite M-31 CL Hysol | Henkel | 30673 | |
hCMEC/D3 cells | Human cerebral microvascular endothelial cell line, kindly provided by Dr. P.-O. Couraud, INSERM, Paris, France | ||
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) | Sigma | P4417 | |
Human plasma fibronectin, 20 µg/ml | Gibco | 33016015 | |
Endothelial growth medium-2 (EGM-2) | Lonza | CC-3162 | Endothelial basal medium-2 (EBM-2) supplemented with EGM-2 SingleQuots |
Trypsin-EDTA, 0.05% | Gibco | 15400-054 | |
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) | Gibco | 26140-079 | |
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Equipment | |||
Oven | Binder | 9010-0190 | |
Spin coater: Spin 150 | Polos | SPIN150-NPP | |
UV light source, 365 nm for 5 s at 350 mW/cm2 | Manufactured in-house | ||
Centrifuge: Allegra X-12R Centrifuge | Beckman Coulter | ||
Incubator | Binder | CB E2 150 | |
Boxense | LocSense | Lock-in amplifier with probe cable circuit, specialized for on-chip TEER measurements |
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