Parasponia andersonii is a fast-growing tropical tree that belongs to the Cannabis family (Cannabaceae) and can form nitrogen-fixing root nodules in association with the rhizobium. Here, we describe a detailed protocol for reverse genetic analyses in P. andersonii based on Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated stable transformation and CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing.
Parasponia andersonii is a fast-growing tropical tree that belongs to the Cannabis family (Cannabaceae). Together with 4 additional species, it forms the only known non-legume lineage able to establish a nitrogen-fixing nodule symbiosis with rhizobium. Comparative studies between legumes and P. andersonii could provide valuable insight into the genetic networks underlying root nodule formation. To facilitate comparative studies, we recently sequenced the P. andersonii genome and established Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated stable transformation and CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing. Here, we provide a detailed description of the transformation and genome editing procedures developed for P. andersonii. In addition, we describe procedures for the seed germination and characterization of symbiotic phenotypes. Using this protocol, stable transgenic mutant lines can be generated in a period of 2-3 months. Vegetative in vitro propagation of T0 transgenic lines allows phenotyping experiments to be initiated at 4 months after A. tumefaciens co-cultivation. Therefore, this protocol takes only marginally longer than the transient Agrobacterium rhizogenes-based root transformation method available for P. andersonii, though offers several clear advantages. Together, the procedures described here permit P. andersonii to be used as a research model for studies aimed at understanding symbiotic associations as well as potentially other aspects of the biology of this tropical tree.
Parasponia andersonii is a tropical tree belonging to the Cannabis family (Cannabaceae) and is native to Papua New Guinea and several Pacific Islands1,2,3. Together with 4 additional Parasponia species, it represents the only non-legume lineage that can establish a nitrogen-fixing nodule symbiosis with rhizobia. This symbiosis is well studied in the legume (Fabaceae) models Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus, which has resulted in acquiring detailed knowledge of the molecular genetic nature of nodule formation and functioning4. Additionally, it was demonstrated that the root nodule symbiosis in legumes is founded on the much older, and widespread arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis5. Phylogenomic comparisons suggest that the nitrogen-fixing nodule symbioses of legumes, Parasponia, as well as, the so-called actinorhizal plant species that host diazotrophic Frankia bacteria, have a shared evolutionary origin6,7,8. To determine whether the genes identified to be involved in the legume nodule formation are the part of a conserved genetic basis, studies on non-legume species are essential. To this end, we propose to use P. andersonii as a comparative research model, alongside legumes, to identify the core genetic networks underlying root nodule formation and functioning.
P. andersonii is a pioneer that can be found on the slopes of volcanic hills. It can meet growth speeds of 45 cm per month and reach lengths of up to 10 meters9. P. andersonii trees are wind-pollinated, which is facilitated by the formation of separate male and female flowers3,10. We recently sequenced and annotated the diploid genome (2n = 20; 560 Mb/1C) of P. andersonii, and assembled draft genome sequences of 2 additional Parasponia species; P. rigida and P. rugosa6. This revealed ~35,000 P. andersonii gene models that can be clustered in >20,000 orthogroups together with genes from M. truncatula, soybean (Glycine max), Arabidopsis thaliana, woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca), Trema orientalis, black cotton poplar (Populus trichocarpa) and eucalypt (Eucalyptus grandis)6. Additionally, transcriptome comparisons between M. truncatula and P. andersonii identified a set of 290 putative orthologues that display a nodule-enhanced expression pattern in both species6. This provides an excellent resource for comparative studies.
To study the gene function in P. andersonii roots and nodules, a protocol for Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated root transformation has been established11. Using this protocol, compound plants bearing transgenic roots can be generated in a relatively short time frame. This method is, also, widely applied in the legume-symbiosis research12,13,14. However, the disadvantage of this method is that only roots are transformed and that each transgenic root represents an independent transformation event, resulting in substantial variation. Also, the transformation is transient and transgenic lines cannot be maintained. This makes A. rhizogenes-based root transformation less suited for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing. Additionally, A. rhizogenes transfers its root inducing locus (rol) genes to the plant genome, which once expressed interfere with hormone homeostasis15. This makes studying the role of plant hormones in A. rhizogenes-transformed roots challenging. To overcome these limitations, we recently developed a protocol for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-based transformation and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of P. andersonii10.
Here, we provide a detailed description of the A. tumefaciens-based transformation procedure and reverse genetics pipeline developed for P. andersonii. Additionally, we provide protocols for the downstream handling of transgenic plantlets, including assays to study symbiotic interactions. Using the protocol described here, multiple transgenic lines can be generated in a 2-3 months period. In combination with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis, this allows efficient generation of knockout mutant lines. These mutant lines can be vegetatively propagated in vitro10,16,17, which allows sufficient material to be generated to start phenotypic characterization at 4 months after the transformation procedure has been initiated10. Together, this set of procedures should allow any lab to adopt P. andersonii as a research model for studies aimed at understanding rhizobial and mycorrhizal associations, as well as potentially other aspects of the biology of this tropical tree.
1. Grow P. andersonii Trees in the Greenhouse
2. Cloning of Constructs for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Mutagenesis of P. andersonii
NOTE: Standard binary transformation vectors can be used for the stable transformation of P. andersonii. Here, as an example, is a procedure to generate constructs for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis using modular cloning (e.g., Golden Gate)19.
3. Stable Transformation of P. andersonii
4. Genotyping of Putatively-transgenic Shoots
5. Preparation of Rooted P. andersonii Plantlets for Experimentation
6. Nodulation of P. andersonii Plantlets in Pots
7. Nodulation of P. andersonii Plantlets on Plates
8. Nodulation of P. andersonii Seedlings in Pouches
9. Nodule Cytoarchitecture Analysis
10. Mycorrhization of P. andersonii Plantlets
P. andersonii trees can be grown in a conditioned greenhouse at 28 °C and ~85% relative humidity (Figure 1A). Under these conditions, trees start flowering at 6-9 months after planting. Female P. andersonii flowers produce berries that each contains a single seed. During maturation, the berries change color; first from green to white and subsequently from white to brown (Figure 1B). Seeds extracted from the ripened brown berries, germinate well after a 10-day temperature cycle and a 7-day incubation on SH-0 plates (Figure 1C). Germinated seeds continue to develop into young seedlings that can be used for experimentation after ~4 weeks (Figure 1D).
We have previously shown that petioles and segments of young P. andersonii stems can be efficiently transformed using A. tumefaciens strain AGL110. At the start of the transformation procedure, the tissue explants are co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens for 2 days at 21 °C (Figure 2A). Prolonged co-cultivation results in the over-colonization of the tissue explants by A. tumefaciens and should, therefore, be prevented (Figure 2B). After the co-cultivation period, tissue explants are transferred to selective media, which promotes outgrowth of transformed tissue. Two to three weeks later, small green micro-calli are generally observed along the original wound surface (Figure 2C). These calli should continue to grow and develop 1 or more putatively-transformed shoots at 6-8 weeks after the transformation procedure has been initiated (Figure 2D). At this stage, transformation efficiencies typically range from ~10-30% for transformations initiated with tissue explants taken from mature and partly woody branches (Table 7). If transformations are initiated with explants taken from the young and rapidly-growing tips of branches that are not yet bearing flowers, transformation efficiencies of ~65-75% can be achieved (Table 7). Occasionally, whitish calli are formed on the side of an explant that is not in contact with the medium and, therefore, do not experience kanamycin selection. These calli are often not transgenic and any shoots formed from these calli will generally bleach and die after direct contact with kanamycin-containing medium (Figure 2E). In case the transformation rate is low and/or the starting material was suboptimal, tissue pieces might turn brown (Figure 2F) and suffer from over-proliferation by A. tumefaciens (Figure 2G). To prevent A. tumefaciens from spreading and overgrowing nearby explants, regular refreshment of the medium is required, and severely infected explants need to be removed. Once individual transgenic shoots are placed in the propagation medium, over-proliferation by A. tumefaciens is generally not occurring anymore (Figure 2H). Transgenic shoots can be multiplied through in vitro propagation, which will give rise to tens of shoots in a period of one month (Figure 3A-B). These shoots can be placed on rooting medium, which should induce root formation after ~2 weeks (Figure 3C-D). Rooted plantlets can be subsequently used for experimentation.
To create knockout mutant lines, we make use of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis. To this end, we make use of a binary vector containing the kanamycin resistance gene NPTII, a Cas9-encoding sequence driven by the CaMV35S promoter and 2 sgRNAs per target gene that are expressed from the AtU6p small RNA promoter20. A graphical representation of the construct used for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of P. andersonii is provided in Figure 4A. Using this method, genome editing is observed in ~40% of putatively-transformed shoots10. To identify mutant lines, putatively-transformed shoots are genotyped for mutations at the sgRNA target site(s) using primers spanning the targeted region. An example of the expected results is given in Figure 4. As can be seen from the photo taken after gel electrophoresis, several samples produce a PCR amplicon with similar size to the wild type (Figure 4B). These plants may contain small indels that cannot be visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis or remain unedited by the Cas9 enzyme. Additionally, several samples yield bands that are different in size from the wild type (e.g., lines 2, 4, 7 and 8 in Figure 4B). In these lines, 1 (lines 4, 7 and 8) or both (line 2) alleles contain larger indels that can be easily visualized. The exact nature of the mutations at the target site(s) is revealed after PCR amplicon sequencing. As can be seen from Figure 4C, both small indels of 1-4 bp, as well as, larger deletions can be obtained after CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis. In Figure 4C, the sequence of line 1 is identical to that of the wild type, indicating that this line escaped editing and, therefore, should be discarded. Among the lines that contain mutations, heterozygous, homozygous and bi-allelic mutants can be identified (Figure 4C). However, heterozygous mutants are generally rare10. Homozygous or bi-allelic knockout mutants can be propagated vegetatively to obtain sufficient material for phenotypic analysis. As phenotypic analysis is performed in the T0 generation, it is important to check whether mutant lines might be chimeric. To this end, genotyping needs to be repeated on at least 3 different samples taken from each mutant line. If the genotyping results are identical to each other and the original genotyping sample (e.g., line 8 in Figure 4D), the line is homogeneously mutated and can be used for further analysis. However, if the genotyping results differ between independent samples (e.g., line 4 in Figure 4D), the mutant line is chimeric and needs to be discarded.
Inoculation of P. andersonii with M. plurifarium BOR2 results in the formation of root nodules (Figure 5). As can be seen in Figure 5A, these nodules are distributed along the root system. Nodules of P. andersonii are light brown in color but can be easily discriminated from the root tissue based on their shape (Figure 5B). Inoculation experiments in pots and subsequent growth for 4-6 weeks typically result in the formation of ~10-30 nodules (Figure 6A). A similar number of nodules is formed after inoculation of EKM plate-grown P. andersonii plantlets at 4 weeks after inoculation (Figure 6A). In pouches, P. andersonii seedlings typically form ~5-15 nodules at 5 weeks post inoculation (Figure 5C-D, 6A). To analyze the nodule cytoarchitecture, nodules can be sectioned and observed using bright-field microscopy. Figure 6B shows an example of a longitudinal section through the middle of a P. andersonii nodule. This section shows the central vascular bundle of a P. andersonii nodule, which is flanked by nodule lobes containing infected cells (Figure 6B).
P. andersonii plantlets can also be mycorrhized. After 6 weeks of inoculation with R. irregularis, mycorrhizal colonization frequency typically reaches > 80% (Figure 6C). At this time point, generally ~30% of the cells contain arbuscules (Figure 6C). A representative image of a P. andersonii root segment containing arbuscles is shown in Figure 6D.
Figure 1: Representative images of a P. andersonii tree, seeds and seedlings. (A) Six-month old P. andersonii tree grown in potting soil in a greenhouse conditioned at 28 °C. (B) Representative image depicting P. andersonii berries at various stages of maturation. Young P. andersonii berries (unripe) will change color from green to white and finally to brown (ripe) upon ripening. (C) P. andersonii seeds incubated on SH-0 medium for 1 week. A black circle indicates a germinated seedling. (D) Four-week old P. andersonii seedlings grown in SH-0 medium. Scale bars are equal to 25 cm in (A) and 1 cm in (B-D). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Representative images of explants at different stages of the stable transformation procedure. (A) Explant co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens. (B) Explant overgrown by A. tumefaciens during the first 2 weeks post transformation. (C) Transgenic micro-callus formed near the wound site of an explant at 2.5 weeks post co-cultivation. (D) Representative image of an explant at 6 weeks post co-cultivation showing the emergence of shoots from (transgenic) calli. (E) Representative image of a shoot that becomes whitish and eventually dies when in direct contact with kanamycin-containing medium. This shoot is most likely non-transgenic and escaped kanamycin selection when attached to the explant. (F) Representative image of an unsuccessfully transformed explant. (G) Representative image of an unsuccessfully transformed explant overgrown by A. tumefaciens. (H) Single transgenic shoot grown on propagation medium at 8 weeks post co-cultivation with A. tumefaciens. Scale bars equal 2.5 mm. Boxes containing green check marks or red crosses indicate successful or unsuccessful transformation of explants, respectively. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Representative images of in vitro propagation. (A) Shoots grown on propagation medium. The image was taken 1 week after plates were refreshed. (B) Shoots grown on propagation medium. The image was taken 4 weeks after plates were refreshed. (C) Freshly cut shoots placed on rooting medium. (D) Shoots incubated on rooting medium for 2 weeks. Note the presence of roots. Scale bars are equal to 2.5 cm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Representative results after genotyping of P. andersonii T0 transgenic CRISPR/Cas9 mutant lines. (A) Representative map of a binary vector used for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of P. andersonii. (B) Representative result after PCR-based genotyping of potential CRISPR/Cas9 mutant lines using primers spanning the sgRNA target site(s). Shown is an image after agarose gel electrophoresis of amplicons. Samples taken from individual transgenic lines are indicated by numbers. Wild type (WT) and no template control (NTC) indicate lanes containing positive and negative controls, respectively. (C) Schematic representation of mutant alleles obtained after CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing. Highlighted in blue and red colors are the sgRNA target sites and PAM sequences, respectively. (D) Representative result after PCR-based screening for potential chimeric mutant lines. Shown is an image after agarose gel electrophoresis of 3 individual samples taken from mutant lines 4 and 8. Note that transgenic mutant line 4 is chimeric. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Representative images of nodulation assays in plates and pouches. (A) Nodulation on plates containing agar-solidified EKM medium and inoculated with M. plurifarium BOR2 for 4 weeks. (B) Representative image of a P. andersonii root nodule. The image was taken at 4 weeks post inoculation with M. plurifarium BOR2. (C) Nodulation in pouches containing liquid EKM medium. Seedlings were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium sp. Kelud2A4 for 5 weeks. (D) Representative image of a complete setup used for the nodulation in pouches. Scale bars are equal to 2.5 cm in (A,C), 1 mm in (B), and 5 cm in (D). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Representative results of the nodulation and mycorrhization assays. (A) Representative bar graph showing the number of nodules formed per plant at 4 weeks post inoculation with M. plurifarium BOR2 in pots or on plates and at 5 weeks post inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp. Kelud2A4 in pouches. Data represent mean ± SD (n = 10). (B) Representative image of a longitudinal section through a nodule formed at 4 weeks post inoculation with M. plurifarium BOR2. The section is stained with toluidine blue. (C) Representative bar graph showing quantification of mycorrhization. Variables quantified according to Trouvelot et al.29 are F, the frequency of analyzed root fragments that are mycorrhized; M, the intensity of infection; A, the abundance of mature arbuscules in the total root system. Mycorrhization was quantified at 6 weeks post inoculation with R. irregularis (strain DAOM197198). Data represent mean ± SD (n = 10). (D) Representative image of mature arbuscules present in P. andersonii root cortical cells at 6 weeks post inoculation with R. irregularis. Scale bars equal 75 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Compound | SH-0 | SH-10 | Propagation medium | Rooting medium | Infiltration medium |
SH-basal salt medium | 3.2 g | 3.2 g | 3.2 g | 3.2 g | 3.2 g |
SH-vitamin mixture | 1 g | 1 g | 1 g | 1 g | 1 g |
Sucrose | - | 10 g | 20 g | 10 g | 10 g |
BAP (1 mg/mL) | - | - | 1 mL (4.44 µM) | - | - |
IBA (1 mg/mL) | - | - | 100 µL (0.49 µM) | 1 mL (4.92 µM) | - |
NAA (1 mg/mL) | - | - | - | 100 µL (0.54 µM) | - |
1 M MES pH=5.8 | 3 mL | 3 mL | 3 mL | 3 mL | 3 mL |
1 M KOH | Adjust pH to 5.8 | Adjust pH to 5.8 | Adjust pH to 5.8 | Adjust pH to 5.8 | Adjust pH to 5.8 |
Daishin agar | 8 g | - | 8 g | 8 g | - |
Table 1: Composition of Schenk-Hildebrandt-based30 media used for growing P. andersonii seedlings, stable transformation, and in vitro propagation. Dissolve solid compounds into 750 mL of ultra-pure water before adding liquid stocks. Afterwards, fill the complete medium to 1 L. Prepare BAP, IBA, NAA stocks in 0.1 M KOH and store at -20 ᵒC.
Before autoclaving: | ||
Compound | Amount per liter | Final concentration |
Mannitol | 5 g | 27.45 mM |
Na-Gluconate | 5 g | 22.92 mM |
Yeast extract | 0.5 g | - |
MgSO4·7H2O | 0.2 g | 0.81 mM |
NaCl | 0.1 g | 1.71 mM |
K2HPO4 | 0.5 g | 2.87 mM |
After autoclaving: | ||
Compound | Amount per liter | Final concentration |
1.5 M CaCl2 | 1 mL | 1.5 mM |
Table 2: Composition of Yeast-Mannitol (YEM) medium used for growing rhizobium. Adjust the pH to 7.0 and fill with ultra-pure water to 1 L. To prepare the agar-solidified YEM medium, add 15 g of microagar before autoclaving.
Before autoclaving: | |||
Compound | Stock concentration | Amount per liter medium | Final concentration |
KH2PO4 | 0.44 M | Add 2 mL | 0.88 mM |
K2HPO4 | 1.03 M | Add 2 mL | 2.07 mM |
500x micro-elements stock solution | - | Add 2 mL | - |
MES pH=6.6 | 1 M | Add 3 mL | 3 mM |
HCl | 1 M | Adjust pH to 6.6 | - |
Ultra-pure water | - | Fill to 990 mL | - |
After autoclaving: | |||
Compound | Stock concentration | Amount per liter medium | Final concentration |
MgSO4·7H2O | 1.04 M | 2 mL | 2.08 mM |
Na2SO4 | 0.35 M | 2 mL | 0.70 mM |
NH4NO3 | 0.18 M | 2 mL | 0.36 mM |
CaCl2·2H2O | 0.75 M | 2 mL | 1.5 mM |
Fe(III)-citrate | 27 mM | 2 mL | 54 μM |
Table 3: Composition of 1 L modified EKM medium31 used for P. andersonii nodulation assay. The composition of the 500x micro-elements stock solution is listed in Table 4. To prepare 2% agar-solidified EKM medium, add 20 g of Daishin agar before autoclaving. Autoclave the MgSO4·7H2O, Na2SO4, CaCl2·2H2O, and Fe(III)-citrate stocks to sterilize. Filter sterilize NH4NO3 stock solution to sterilize.
Compound | Amount per liter | Stock concentration |
MnSO4 | 500 mg | 3.31 mM |
ZnSO4·7H2O | 125 mg | 0.43 mM |
CuSO4·5H2O | 125 mg | 0.83 mM |
H3BO3 | 125 mg | 2.02 mM |
Na2MoO4·2H2O | 50 mg | 0.21 mM |
Table 4: Composition of the 500x micro-elements stock solution used for preparing modified EKM medium. Store the micro-elements stock solution at 4 °C.
Compounds | Stock concentration | Amount per liter medium | Final concentration |
K2HPO4 | 20 mM | 1 mL | 0.2 mM |
NH4NO3 | 0.28 M | 10 mL | 2.8 mM |
MgSO4 | 40 mM | 10 mL | 0.4 mM |
K2SO4 | 40 mM | 10 mL | 0.4 mM |
Fe(II)-EDTA | 9 mM | 10 mL | 0.9 mM |
CaCl2 | 80 mM | 10 mL | 0.8 mM |
50x micro-elements stock solution | - | 10 mL | - |
Table 5: Composition of ½-Hoagland32 medium used for mycorrhization assays. The composition of the 50x micro-elements stock solution is listed in Table 6. Prepare the Fe(II)-EDTA solution by combining FeSO4·7H2O (9 mM) and Na2·EDTA (9 mM) into 1 stock solution, and store at 4 °C. Adjust the pH of the medium to 6.1 using 1 M KOH and fill with ultra-pure water to 1 L.
Compounds | Amount per liter | Stock concentration |
H3BO3 | 71.1 mg | 1.15 mM |
MnCl2·4H2O | 44.5 mg | 0.22 mM |
CuSO4·5H2O | 3.7 mg | 23.18 µM |
ZnCl2 | 10.2 mg | 74.84 µM |
Na2MoO4·2H2O | 1.2 mg | 4.96 µM |
Table 6: Composition of the 50x micro-elements stock solution used for preparing ½-Hoagland medium.
Age of explants | Transformation efficiency |
Young | 69.4 ± 6.2% (n = 2) |
Mature | 18.3 ± 10.2% (n = 15) |
Table 7: Transformation efficiency of P. andersonii. Here, transformation efficiency is defined as the percentage of explants that form at least 1 transgenic callus or shoot. Transformation efficiency was scored at 6 weeks post transformation and is depicted as mean ± SD. n indicates the number of transformation experiments from which the transformation efficiency was determined.
Supplemental File 1: Overview of level 1 and level 2 constructs used for CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis. Please click here to download this file.
Legumes and the distantly-related Cannabaceae genus Parasponia represent the only two clades of plant species able to establish an endosymbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and form root nodules. Comparative studies between species of both clades are highly relevant to provide insights into the core genetic networks allowing this symbiosis. Currently, genetic studies are mainly done in legumes; especially the two model species M. truncatula and L. japonicus. To provide an additional experimental platform and facilitate comparative studies with a nodulating non-legume, we describe here a detailed protocol for stable transformation and reverse genetic analyses in P. andersonii. The presented protocol uses in vitro propagation of T0 transgenic P. andersonii lines, allowing phenotypic analysis to be initiated within 4 months after A. tumefaciens co-cultivation. This is substantially faster than current protocols that have been established for stable transformation of legumes33. This makes P. andersonii an attractive research model.
The protocol described here contains several critical steps. The first of which concerns seed germination. To prepare P. andersonii seeds for germination, seeds need to be isolated from the berries. This is done by rubbing the berries on a piece of tissue paper or against the inside of a tea sieve. This procedure needs to be performed gently in order to prevent damage to the seed coat. If the seed coat gets damaged, bleach could enter the seed during sterilization, which reduces seed viability. To break seed dormancy, seeds are subjected to a 10-day temperature cycle. However, despite this treatment, germination is not entirely synchronized. Generally, the first seeds show radicle emergence after 7 days, but others might take several days longer to germinate.
Critical points in the transformation procedure concern the choice of the starting material and the duration of the co-cultivation step. To reach efficient transformation, it is best to use healthy and young stems or petioles of non-sterile greenhouse-grown plants as the starting material. In order to induce the growth of young branches, it is advisable to trim Parasponia trees every 2-3 months and refresh trees once a year. Additionally, the co-cultivation step needs to be performed for 2 days only. Prolonged co-cultivation promotes over-colonization of tissue explants by A. tumefaciens and generally reduces transformation efficiency. To prevent over-colonization by A. tumefaciens it is also important to regularly refresh the plates on which the explants are cultivated. In case over-colonization does occur, tissue explants could be washed (see Section 3.8) to remove A. tumefaciens cells. We advise adding bleach to the SH-10 solution used for washing (final concentration: ~2% hypochlorite). It is important to note that this additional washing step might not work on heavily-infected explants (Figure 2B). In case a transformation with a CRISPR/Cas9 construct yields only a limited number of putatively-transformed shoots or if mutagenesis of a particular gene is expected to cause problems in regeneration, it is advisable to include an empty vector control construct as the positive control. Lastly, it is important to ensure that all transgenic lines that are selected are resulting from independent T-DNA integration events. Therefore, we instruct to take only a single putatively-transgenic shoot from each side of an explant. However, we realize that this reduces the potential number of independent lines. If many lines are required, researchers could decide to separate putatively-transformed calli from the original explants when these calli are ≥2 mm in size and culture these calli independently. In this way, multiple lines could be isolated from each explant, which raises the number of potential transgenic lines.
In the current protocol, transgenic lines of P. andersonii are propagated vegetatively through in vitro propagation. The advantage of this is that many transgenic plantlets can be generated in a relatively short time period. However, this method also has several limitations. Firstly, the maintenance of T0 transgenic lines through in vitro propagation is labor intensive and could result in unwanted genetic or epigenetic alterations34,35. Secondly, T0 lines still contain a copy of the T-DNA, including the antibiotic resistance cassette. This limits the number of possible re-transformations, as different selection markers are required for each re-transformation. Currently, we have only tested transformation using kanamycin or hygromycin selection (data not shown). Furthermore, the presence of the Cas9-encoding sequence and sgRNAs in the T0 transgenic lines complicates complementation studies. Complementation assays are possible but require the sgRNA target site(s) to be mutated as such that gene-editing of the complementation construct is prevented. Thirdly, a disadvantage of working with T0 lines is that CRISPR/Cas9 mutants might be chimeric. To prevent phenotypic analysis of chimeric mutant lines, we recommend repeating the genotyping analysis after in vitro propagation on at least 3 different shoots. Although, the number of chimeric mutants obtained using the protocol described here is limited, they are occasionally observed10. To overcome the limitations of working with T0 lines, P. andersonii mutant lines could be propagated generatively. P. andersonii trees are dioecious and wind-pollinated2. This means that each transgenic line needs to be manipulated as such that male and female flowers are produced on a single individual, and subsequently grown as such that cross pollination does not occur. As P. andersonii is a fast-growing tree it requires a substantial amount of space in a tropical greenhouse (28 °C, ~85% relative humidity). Therefore, although technically possible, generative propagation of P. andersonii transgenic lines is logistically challenging.
In the protocol section, we described 3 methods for nodulation of P. andersonii. The advantage of the plate and pouch systems is that the roots are easily accessible, which may allow spot-inoculation of bacteria and following nodule formation over time. However, the plate system is quite labor intensive, which makes it less suited for large-scale nodulation experiments. A disadvantage of the pouch system is that it is difficult to prevent fungal contamination. Pouches are not sterile, and therefore fungal growth is often observed on the top half of the pouch. However, this does not affect P. andersonii growth, and therefore does not interfere with nodulation assays. Additionally, the pouch system is only suitable for seedlings. Despite several attempts, we have been unable to grow plantlets obtained through in vitro propagation in pouches.
The P. andersonii reverse genetics pipeline described here offers a substantial improvement compared to the existing A. rhizogenes-based root transformation method11. Using the described procedures, stable transgenic lines can be generated efficiently and can be maintained via in vitro propagation. In contrast, A. rhizogenes transformation is transient and only results in the formation of transgenic roots. Because each transgenic root results from an independent transformation, A. rhizogenes transformation-based assays suffer from substantial phenotypic variation. This variation is much less in case of stable lines, although in vitro propagation also creates some level of variation. Because of this reduced variation and the fact that multiple plantlets could be phenotyped for each stable line, stable lines are more suited for quantitative assays compared to A. rhizogenes-transformed roots. Additionally, the stable transformation does not depend on the introduction of the A. rhizogenes root inducing locus (rol) that affects the endogenous hormone balance15. Therefore, stable lines are better suited for reverse genetic analysis of genes involved in hormone homeostasis compared to A. rhizogenes-transformed roots. A more general advantage of P. andersonii as research model is that it did not experience a recent whole genome duplication (WGD). The legume Papilionoideae subfamily, which includes the model legumes M. truncatula and L. japonicus, as well as the Salicaceae (order Malpighiales) that includes the model tree Populus trichocarpa experienced WGDs ~65 million years ago36,37. Many paralogous gene copies resulting from these WGDs are retained in the genomes of M. truncatula, L. japonicus and P. trichocarpa37,38,39, which creates redundancy that might complicate reverse genetic analyses. As P. andersonii did not experience a recent WGD, reverse genetic analyses on P. andersonii might be less affected by redundant functioning of paralogous gene copies.
Taken together, we provide a detailed protocol for reverse genetic analysis in P. andersonii. Using this protocol, single mutant lines can be efficiently generated in a timeframe of 2-3 months10. This protocol can be extended to create higher order mutants through multiplexing of sgRNAs targeting different genes simultaneously, as shown for other plant species40,41,42. Additionally, the stable transformation procedure described here is not limited to CRISPR/Cas9 gene-targeting but could also be used to introduce other types of constructs (e.g., for promoter-reporter assays, ectopic expression or trans-complementation). We established P. andersonii as a comparative research model to study mutualistic symbioses with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia or endomycorrhizal fungi. However, the protocols described here also provide tools to study other aspects of the biology of this tropical tree, such as wood formation, the development of bi-sexual flowers or the biosynthesis of Cannabaceae-specific secondary metabolites.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors like to acknowledge Mark Youles, Sophien Kamoun and Sylvestre Marillonnet for making Golden Gate cloning parts available through the Addgene database. Additionally, we would like to thank E. James, P. Hadobas, and T. J. Higgens for P. andersonii seeds. This work was supported by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO-VICI grant 865.13.001; NWO-Open Competition grant 819.01.007) and The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISET-PRO grant 8245-ID).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Sigma-Aldrich | N0640 | NAA | |
Duchefa Biochemie | M1503.0250 | MES | |
Sigma-Aldrich | D134406 | Acetosyringone | |
Duchefa Biochemie | X1402.1000 | X-Gal | |
Merck | 101236 | For nucleic acid electrophoresis gel | |
- | - | Pouches box material, hangers | |
Merck | 101188 | NH4NO3 | |
Sigma-Aldrich | B3408-1G | BAP | |
Merck | 100156 | H3BO3 | |
Thermo-Fisher | ER1011 | Used as restriction enzyme in Golden Gate cloning assembly | |
Thermo-Fisher | 15561020 | Used in Golden Gate cloning assembly | |
Merck | 137101 | CaCl2·2H2O | |
Duchefa Biochemie | C0111.0025 | C16H16N5O7S2Na | |
Thermo-Fisher | K1231 | Used for cloning the blunt-ended PCR amplicons in genotyping procedure | |
Agronutrition | AP2011 | Containing Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM 197198 (1,000 spores/mL), used for mychorrization assay | |
Merck | 102790 | CuSO4·5H2O | |
Duchefa Biochemie | D1004.1000 | Used for plant tissue culture agar-based medium | |
Merck | 105101 | K2HPO4 | |
VWR Chemicals | 20302.293 | Na2·EDTA | |
Duchefa Biochemie | M0803.1000 | C6H14O6 | |
Thermo-Fisher | ER0291 | Used as restriction enzyme in Golden Gate cloning assembly | |
Merck | 100983 | C2H5OH | |
VWR Chemicals | BDH9232-500G | EDTA | |
Sigma-Aldrich | Z377600-1PAK | Cellophane membrane | |
Biomatters, Ltd. | R9 or higher | Bioinformatics software for in silico cloning and designing of sgRNAs | |
Mega International | - | Technical information at | |
Sigma-Aldrich | 65882 | Used for fixating nodule tissues | |
VWR Chemicals | 24385.295 | - | |
Vink | 219341 | Pouches box material, bottom part | |
Leica Biosystems | 14702218311 | Used as a template for plastic embedding | |
Merck | 100317 | HCl | |
Sigma-Aldrich | I5386-1G | IBA | |
Merck | 103862 | C6H5FeO7 | |
Merck | 103965 | FeSO4O·7H2O | |
Duchefa Biochemie | I1401.0005 | IPTG | |
Duchefa Biochemie | K0126.0010 | ||
Sigma-Aldrich | L2000 | ||
Merck | 105886 | MgSO4O·7H2O | |
Merck | 105934 | MnCl2·4H2O | |
Merck | 102786 | MnSO4O | |
Duchefa Biochemie | M1002.1000 | Used for bacterial culture agar-based medium | |
Manutan | 92007687 | Pouches material | |
Paraxisdienst | 130774 | Elastic sealing foil | |
Pull Rhenen | Agra-Perlite No.3 | Used as growing substrate in pots for nodulation assay | |
VWR Chemicals | 391-0581 | Used as container for cellophane membranes | |
Thermo-Fisher | F130WH | For genotyping transgenic lines | |
Addgene | 50337 | Level 0 terminator, 3'UTR, 35s (Cauliflower Mosaic Virus) | |
Addgene | 48017 | End-link 2 for assembling 2 level one part into a level 2 acceptor | |
Addgene | 48018 | End-link 3 for assembling 3 level one part into a level 2 acceptor | |
Addgene | 48001 | Level 1 acceptor. Position 5. Forward orientation | |
Addgene | 48007 | Level 1 Acceptor. Position 1. Reverse orientation | |
Addgene | 50268 | Level 0 promoter (0.4 kb), 35s (Cauliflower Mosaic Virus) + 5'UTR, Ω (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) | |
Addgene | 46966 | Used for designing CRISPR/Cas9 module | |
Addgene | 46968 | Used for designing CRISPR/Cas9 module | |
Addgene | 50334 | Level 0 Kanamycin/Neomycin/Paromomycin resistance cassette | |
Topzeven | - | Used as filters for washing spore suspension | |
Sigma-Aldrich | 8.17003 | PEG400 | |
Duchefa Biochemie | E1674.0001 | Pots to grow Parasponia plantlets/seedlings | |
Merck | 104871 | KH2PO4 | |
Merck | 105033 | KOH | |
Merck | 105153 | K2SO4O | |
Van Leusden b.v. | - | Used as growing substrate for mychorrhization assay | |
Duchefa Biochemie | S0225.0050 | SH-basal salt medium | |
Duchefa Biochemie | S0411.0250 | SH-vitamin mixture | |
Lehle Seeds | VIS-02 | Used as non-ionic surfactant in the washing step of stable transformation | |
Merck | 137017 | NaCl | |
VWR Chemicals | 89230-072 | C6H11NaO7 | |
Merck | 106521 | Na2MoO4·2H2O | |
Merck | 106574 | Na2HPO4·7H2O | |
Merck | 567549 | NaH2PO4·H2O | |
Sigma-Aldrich | 239313 | Na2SO4O | |
Duchefa Biochemie | S0809.5000 | C12H22O11 | |
Thermo-Fisher | B69 | Used in Golden Gate cloning assembly | |
Thermo-Fisher | EL0013 | Used in Golden Gate cloning assembly | |
Kulzer-Mitsui Chemicals Group | 64708806 | Methyl methacrylate-based resin powder | |
Kulzer-Mitsui Chemicals Group | 64709003 | HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-based resin solution | |
Kulzer-Mitsui Chemicals Group | 66022678 | Methyl methacrylate-based resin solution | |
Merck | 1159300025 | ||
Acros | 189350250 | ||
VWR Chemicals | 663684B | Polysorbate 20 | |
Stout Perspex | - | pouches box material, lid | |
Duchefa Biochemie | Y1333.1000 | ||
Merck | 108816 | ZnCl2 | |
Alfa Aesar | 33399 | ZnSO4O·7H2O |
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