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In this method paper, we present a high-throughput screening strategy to identify chemical compounds, such as osmolytes, that have a significant impact on bacterial persistence.
Bacterial persisters are defined as a small subpopulation of phenotypic variants with the capability of tolerating high concentrations of antibiotics. They are an important health concern as they have been associated with recurrent chronic infections. Although stochastic and deterministic dynamics of stress-related mechanisms are known to play a significant role in persistence, mechanisms underlying the phenotypic switch to/from the persistence state are not completely understood. While persistence factors triggered by environmental signals (e.g., depletion of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen sources) have been extensively studied, the impacts of osmolytes on persistence are yet to be determined. Using microarrays (i.e., 96 well plates containing various chemicals), we have designed an approach to elucidate the effects of various osmolytes on Escherichia coli persistence in a high throughput manner. This approach is transformative as it can be readily adapted for other screening arrays, such as drug panels and gene knockout libraries.
Bacterial cultures contain a small subpopulation of persister cells that are temporarily tolerant to unusually high levels of antibiotics. Persister cells are genetically identical to their antibiotic-sensitive kins, and their survival has been attributed to transient growth inhibition1. Persister cells were first discovered by Gladys Hobby2 but the term was first used by Joseph Bigger when he identified them in penicillin-treated Staphylococcus pyogenes cultures3. A seminal study published by Balaban et al.4 discovered two persister types: type I variants that are....
1. Preparation of growth medium, ofloxacin solution and E. coli cell stocks
Figure 1 describes our experimental protocol. The dilution/growth cycle experiments (see Protocol 2) were adapted from a study conducted by Keren et al.5 to eliminate the persisters originating from the overnight cultures. Figure 2A is a representative image of agar plates used to determine CFU levels of cell cultures before and after OFX treatment. In these experiments, cells were cultured in modified LB medium with osmolytes in half-are.......
The high throughput persister assay described here was developed to elucidate the effects of various chemicals on E. coli persistence. In addition to commercial PM plates, microarrays can be constructed manually as described in step 4.2. Moreover, the protocol presented here is flexible and can be used to screen other microarrays, such as drug panels and cell libraries, that are in 96 well plate formats. The experimental conditions including the growth phase, inoculation rate and medium can be adjusted to test t.......
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We would like to thank the members of Orman Lab for their valuable inputs during this study. This study was funded by the NIH/NIAID K22AI125468 career transition award and a University of Houston startup grant.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
14-ml test tube | Fisher Scientific | 14-959-1B | |
E. coli strain MG1655 | Princeton University | Obtained from Brynildsen lab | |
Flat-bottom 96-well plate | USA Scientific | 5665-5161 | |
Gas permeable sealing membrane | VWR | 102097-058 | Sterilized by gamma irradiation and free of cytotoxins |
Half-area flat-bottom 96-well plate | VWR | 82050-062 | |
LB agar | Fisher Scientific | BP1425-2 | Molecular genetics grade |
Ofloxacin salt | VWR | 103466-232 | HPLC ≥97.5 |
Phenotype microarray (PM-9 and PM-10) | Biolog | N/A | PM-9 and PM-10 plates contained various osmolytes and buffers respectively |
Round-bottom 96-well plate | USA Scientific | 5665-0161 | |
Sodium chloride | Fisher Scientific | S271-500 | Certified ACS grade |
Sodium nitrate | Fisher Scientific | AC424345000 | ACS reagent grade |
Sodium nitrite | Fisher Scientific | AAA186680B | 98% purity |
Square petri dish | Fisher Scientific | FB0875711A | |
Tryptone | Fisher Scientific | BP1421-500 | Molecular genetics grade |
Varioskan lux multi mode microplate reader | Thermo Fisher Scientific | VLBL00D0 | Used for optical density measurement at 600 nm |
Yeast extract | Fisher Scientific | BP1422-100 | Molecular genetics grade |
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