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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Here, the authors showcase the utility of MULTI-seq for phenotyping and subsequent paired scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq in characterizing the transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility profiles in retina.


Powerful next generation sequencing techniques offer robust and comprehensive analysis to investigate how retinal gene regulatory networks function during development and in disease states. Single-cell RNA sequencing allows us to comprehensively profile gene expression changes observed in retinal development and disease at a cellular level, while single-cell ATAC-Seq allows analysis of chromatin accessibility and transcription factor binding to be profiled at similar resolution. Here the use of these techniques in the developing retina is described, and MULTI-Seq is demonstrated, where individual samples are labeled with a modified oligonucleotide-lipid complex, enabling researchers to both increase the scope of individual experiments and substantially reduce costs.


Understanding how genes can influence cell fate plays a key role in interrogating processes such as disease and embryonic progression. The complex relationships between transcription factors and their target genes can be grouped in gene regulatory networks. Mounting evidence places these gene regulatory networks at the center of both disease and development across evolutionary lineages1. While previous techniques such as qRT-PCR focused on a single gene or set of genes, the application of high-throughput sequencing technology allows for the profiling of complete cellular transcriptomes.

RNA-seq offers a glimpse into ....


The use of animals for these studies was conducted using protocols approved by the Johns Hopkins Animal Care and Use Committee, in compliance with ARRIVE guidelines, and were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.

1. MULTI-seq

  1. Media preparation
    1. Prepare and equilibrate ovomucoid inhibitor, 10 mg of ovomucoid inhibitor and 10 mg of albumin per mL of Earle's Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS), for 30 min prior to use

Representative Results

This workflow lays out a strategy for investigation of developmental phenotypes and regulatory processes using single cell sequencing. MULTI-seq sample multiplexing enables an initial low-cost phenotyping assay while paired collection and fixation of samples for scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq allows for more in-depth investigation (Figure 1).

MULTI-seq barcoding enables the combined sequencing of multiple samples and their subsequent computational deconvolution. The sam.......


The power of MULTI-seq stems from seamless integration of data from multiple experimental conditions or models and the enormous benefit in terms of cost and limiting batch effects. Utilizing MULTI-seq offers a laboratory unprecedented phenotyping depth. Non-genetic multiplexing methods such as cell hashing or nuclei hashing opened the door to multiplexed samples through the use of barcoded antibodies7,19,20. However, this relies.......


Nothing to disclose.


We thank Linda Orzolek from the Johns Hopkins Transcriptomics and Deep Sequencing Core for help in sequencing the produced libraries and Lizhi Jiang for performing the ex vivo retinal explants.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10 µL, 200 µL, 1000 µL pipette filter tips
10% Tween 20Bio-Rad1662404
100 µM Barcode SolutionRequest from Gartner lab
100% EthanolMillipore SigmaE7023-500ML
100% MethanolMillipore Sigma322415-100ML
10x Chip Holder10x Genomics1000195
10x Chromium controller & Accessory Kit10x GenomicsPN-120263
15mL Centrifuge TubeQuality BiologicalP886-229411
40 µm FlowMi Cell StrainerBel-ArtH13680-0040
50 µM Anchor SolutionSigma or request from Gartner lab
50 µM Co-Anchor SolutionSigma or request from Gartner lab
5200 Fragment Analyzer systemAgilentM5310AA
70 um FlowMi cell strainerBel-ArtH13680-0070
Allegra X-12R CentrifugeVWRBK392302
Bovine Serum AlbuminSigma-AldrichA9647
Chromium Next GEM Chip G10x GenomicsPN-1000120
Chromium Next GEM Chip H10x GenomicsPN-1000161
Chromium Next Gem Single Cell ATAC Reagent Kit v1.110x GenomicsPN-1000175
Chromium Single Cell 3' GEM, Library & Gel Bead Kit v3.110x GenomicsPN-1000121
DigitoninFisher ScientificBN2006
Dissection microscopeLeica
DNA LoBind Tubes, 1.5 mLEppendorf22431021
Dry Ice
EVA Foam Ice PanTequipment04393-54
FA 12-Capillary Array Short, 33 cmAgilentA2300-1250-3355
Fisherbrand Isotemp Water BathFisher Scientific15-460-20Q
Forma CO2 Water Jacketed IncubatorThermoFisher Scientific3110
Glycerol 50% Aqueous solutionRicca Chemical Company3290-32
Hausser Scientific Bright-Line Counting ChamberFisher Scientific02-671-51B
Illumina NextSeq or NovaSeqIllumina
Kapa Hifi Hotstart ReadyMixHiFi7958927001
Low TE BufferQuality Biological351-324-721
Magnesium Chloride Solution 1 MSigma-AldrichM1028
Magnetic Separator Rack for 1.5 mL tubesMillipore Sigma20-400
Magnetic Separator Rack for 200 µL tubes10x GenomicsNC1469069
MULTI-seq PrimerSigma or IDTSee sequence list
MyFuge Mini CentrifugeBenchmark ScientificC1008
Nonidet P40 SubstituteSigma-Aldrich74385
Nuclease-free waterFisher ScientificAM9937
P2, P10, P20, P200, P1000 micropipettesEppendorf
Papain Dissociation SystemWorthington Biochemical CorporationLK003150
PBS pH 7.4 (1X)Fisher Scientific10010-023
Qiagen Buffer EBQiagen19086
Refridgerated Centrifuge 5424 REppendorf2231000655
RNase-free Disposable Pellet PestlesFisher Scientific12-141-368
RNasin Plus RNase InhibitorPromegaN2615
RPI primerSigma or IDTSee sequence list
Single Index Kit N, Set A10x GenomicsPN-1000212
Single Index Kit T Set A10x GenomicsPN-1000213
Sodium Chloride Solution 5 MSigma-Aldrich59222C
SPRIselect Reagent KitBeckman CoulterB23318
Standard Disposable Transfer PipettesFisher Scientific13-711-7M
TempAssure PCR 8-tube stripUSA Scientific1402-4700
Trizma Hydrochloride Solution, pH 7.4Sigma-AldrichT2194
Trypan Blue Solution, 0.4% (w/v)Corning25-900-CI
Universal I5 primerSigma or IDTSee sequence list
Veriti Thermal CyclerApplied Biosystems4375786
Vortex MixerVWR10153-838


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ScRNA seqScATAC seqMULTI seqGene Regulatory NetworksGene ExpressionChromatin AccessibilityDevelopmentDisease ProgressionAnchor BarcodesCo anchor SolutionCell PreparationGEM GenerationCDNA CleanupSize SelectionParamagnetic BeadsIsopropanolEthanol

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