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An Integrated (Microscopic/Endoscopic) Dissection Ear Surgery Course

Published: December 4th, 2021



1Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital of Modena, 2Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna, 3Department of Specialist, Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine, Alma Mater Studiorum University

Traditionally, otologic surgical training consisted of microscopic cadaveric dissections. However, during the last decades the endoscope has significantly changed the surgical perspective in the otologic field. Thus, the modern ear and lateral skull base surgeon should master the entire spectrum of endoscopic and microscopic approaches, with the aim of tailoring the procedure and guaranteeing the best possible functional outcome. This work proposes a step-by-step guided and illustrated dissection course, including indications for the setup of the cadaver lab and the integration of the microscope and endoscope to enhance the use of both instruments. The alternation of the endoscope and microscope allows the novice to train the correct handling of the instruments in the surgical field under both optical views. This aspect is of utmost importance since it is not advisable to start off a technique without practicing the other one, as both are important and complementary in the modern otologic surgery setting.

Traditionally, otologic surgical training consisted of microscopic cadaveric dissection in order to develop both transcanal and transmastoid procedures. However, during the last decades the endoscope has significantly changed the surgical perspective. Nowadays, a consistent number of patients can benefit from minimally invasive endoscopic ear surgeries1,2,3,4,5,6. Thus, the modern otologic surgeon should master the entire spectrum of both endoscopic and microscopic approac....

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The following protocol follows the guidelines of our institution's human research ethics committee. The ethics committee approved the protocol.

1. Preparation of the specimen

  1. Position a vacuum mattress on the dissection table and cover it with a sterile and resorbable blanket. Lay the anatomical specimen in a surgical position on the mattress with the head rotated to the contralateral side.
  2. Cover the specimen with a blanket sparing the external ear an.......

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We organized two dissection courses at the University Hospital of Modena, Italy during the COVID pandemic period, to enhance the learning process of the ENT residents. In fact, the activity of most of Otorhinolaryngology Departments significantly reduced during the above-mentioned period, impacting the academic activities for residents who were also involved in the intensive care units when needed19. A preliminary study of the CT scan images of every specimen was conducted. Thereafter, a total of .......

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The proposed integrated microscopic and endoscopic dissection course manual is thought to maximize the capability to perform different otologic approaches on a single anatomic specimen. By alternating the two instruments, the trainee can perform a stepwise dissection that preserves the anatomical landmarks needed for the further surgical steps, enhancing the use of the microscope and the endoscope. In fact, the modern ear and lateral skull base surgeon should master the entire spectrum of these approaches to tailor the i.......

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NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Antifog solution-Consumables
Aspirator (power 40 L/min)-
Cadaveric Specimen-
Cold light source with cableSTORZ
Cotton pads-Consumables
Cottonoid pledges-Consumables
Endoscope 3mm diameter, 15cm length, 0° and 45°STORZInstrument Set for Endoscopic Middle Ear Surgery Karl Storz
Endoscope 3mm diameter, 15cm length, 45°STORZInstrument Set for Endoscopic Middle Ear Surgery Karl Storz
High definition camera headSTORZTH110Video equipment
High-speed drill (micromotor, handpieces, set of burrs)MEDTRONIC1898001;
MicroscopeLEICAM320 F12 for ENT
Otologic dissectors, round knifes, hooks, curette, microscissors (Bellucci) and microforceps (Hartmann)STORZInstrument Set for Otologic Surgery Karl Storz
Scalpel n° 11-
Straight and curved suction tubes-
TelepackSTORZTP101Video equipment
USB for recordingSTORZ20040282Video equipment
Vacuum matress or temporal bone holder-
Water to rinse-Consumables

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Microscopic Dissection

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