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Host Cell Protein Analysis using Enrichment Beads Coupled with Limited Digestion

Published: January 19th, 2024



1Analytical Chemistry, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.


Host cell proteins (HCPs) are impurities that can adversely affect therapeutic proteins, even in small quantities. To evaluate the potential risks associated with drug products, methods have been developed to identify low-abundance HCPs. A crucial approach for developing a sensitive HCP detection method involves enriching HCPs while simultaneously removing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) before analysis, utilizing liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS).

This protocol offers detailed instructions for enriching host cell proteins using commercially available proteome enrichment beads. These beads contain a diverse library of hexapeptide ligands with specific affinities for different proteins. The protocol also incorporates limited digestion and subsequent peptide detection using nano LC-MS/MS. By employing these techniques, HCPs with low abundance can be enriched over 7000-fold, resulting in an impressive detection limit as low as 0.002 ppm. Significantly, this protocol enables the detection of 850 HCPs with a high level of confidence using a NIST mAb. Moreover, it is designed to be user-friendly and includes a video demonstration to assist with its implementation. By following these steps, researchers can effectively enrich and detect HCPs, enhancing the sensitivity and accuracy of risk assessment for drug products.

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