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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
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This protocol describes the inverted emulsion method used to encapsulate a cell-free expression (CFE) system within a giant unilamellar vesicle (GUV) for the investigation of the synthesis and incorporation of a model membrane protein into the lipid bilayer.


Cell-free expression (CFE) systems are powerful tools in synthetic biology that allow biomimicry of cellular functions like biosensing and energy regeneration in synthetic cells. Reconstruction of a wide range of cellular processes, however, requires successful reconstitution of membrane proteins into the membrane of synthetic cells. While the expression of soluble proteins is usually successful in common CFE systems, the reconstitution of membrane proteins in lipid bilayers of synthetic cells has proven to be challenging. Here, a method for reconstitution of a model membrane protein, bacterial glutamate receptor (GluR0), in giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) as model synthetic cells based on encapsulation and incubation of the CFE reaction inside synthetic cells is demonstrated. Utilizing this platform, the effect of substituting the N-terminal signal peptide of GluR0 with proteorhodopsin signal peptide on successful cotranslational translocation of GluR0 into membranes of hybrid GUVs is demonstrated. This method provides a robust procedure that will allow cell-free reconstitution of various membrane proteins in synthetic cells.


Bottom-up synthetic biology has gained increasing interest over the past decade as an emerging field with numerous potential applications in bioengineering, drug delivery, and regenerative medicine1,2. The development of synthetic cells as a cornerstone of bottom-up synthetic biology, in particular, has attracted a wide range of scientific communities due to the promising applications of synthetic cells as well as their cell-like physical and biochemical properties that facilitate in vitro biophysical studies3,4,5<....


The reagents and equipment utilized for this study are provided in the Table of Materials.

1. Bulk CFE reactions in the presence of small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs)

  1. SUV preparation
    NOTE: This step needs to be performed in a fume hood following the safety instructions for working with chloroform.
    1. Prepare 5 mM 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) SUVs in a glass vial by transferring 76 µL of 25 mg/mL POPC stock solution dissolved in chloroform.
    2. While gently rotating the glass vial, blow a gentle stream of argon into the vial to form a film of dri....

Representative Results

Prior to encapsulation of the CFE reactions, two variants of GluR0-sfGFP harboring native and proteorhodopsin signal peptides (signal peptide sequences are presented in Supplementary Table 1), and the soluble sfGFP were individually expressed in bulk reactions, and their expression was monitored by detecting the sfGFP signal using a plate reader (Figure 2A). Membrane proteins were expressed in the absence or presence of 100 nm SUVs. Additionally, using .......


Virtually any cellular process that depends on the transfer of molecules or information across the cell membrane, like cell signaling or cell excitation, requires membrane proteins. Thus, the reconstitution of membrane proteins has become the main bottleneck in realizing various synthetic cell designs for different applications. Traditional detergent-mediated reconstitution of membrane proteins in biological membranes requires GUV generation methods such as gentle swelling or electroformation. Swelling approaches usually.......


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


APL acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation (EF1935265), the National Institutes of Health (R01-EB030031 and R21-AR080363), and the Army Research Office (80523-BB)



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
100 nm polycarbonate filterSTERLITECH1270193
96 Well Clear Bottom PlateThermoFisher Scientific165305
BioTek Synergy H1M Hybrid Multi-Mode ReaderAgilent11-120-533
Creatine phosphateMillipore Sigma10621714001
CSU-X1 Confocal Scanner UnitYokogawaCSU-X1 
Density gradient medium (Optiprep)Millipore SigmaD1556Optional to switch with sucrose in inner solution
Filter supportsAvanti610014
Fisherbrand microtubes (1.5 mL)Fisher Scientific05-408-129 
Folinic acid calcium salt hydrateMillipore SigmaF7878
GlucoseMillipore Sigma158968
HEPESMillipore SigmaH3375
iXon X3 camera AndorDU-897E-CS0 
L-Glutamic acid potassium salt monohydrateMillipore SigmaG1501
Light mineral oilMillipore SigmaM5904
Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate Millipore SigmaM5661
Mini-extruder kit (including syringe holder and extruder stand)Avanti610020
Olympus IX81 Inverted Microscope OlympusIX21
Olympus PlanApo N 60x Oil Microscope Objective Olympus1-U2B933 
PEO-b-PBDPolymer SourceP41745-BdEO
pET28b-PRSP-GluR0-sfGFP plasmid DNAHomemadeN/A
pET28b-sfGFP-sfCherry(1-10) plasmid DNAHomemadeN/A
pET28b-WT-GluR0-sfGFP plasmid DNAHomemadeN/A
POPC lipid in chloroform Avanti850457C
Potassium chlorideMillipore SigmaP9541
PUREfrex 2.0Cosmo Bio USAGFK-PF201
Ribonucleotide Solution SetNew England BioLabsN0450
RNase Inhibitor, MurineNew England BioLabsM0314S
RTS Amino Acid SamplerBiotechrabbitBR1401801
Sodium chlorideMillipore SigmaS9888
SpermidineMillipore SigmaS2626
SucroseMillipore SigmaS0389
VAPRO Vapor Pressure Osmometer Model 5600ELITechGroupVAPRO 5600


  1. Liu, A. P., Fletcher, D. A. Biology under construction: In vitro reconstitution of cellular function. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 10 (9), 644-650 (2009).
  2. Lin, A. J., Sihorwala, A. Z., Belardi, B. Engineeri....

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Cell free ExpressionMembrane Protein ReconstitutionGlutamate ReceptorGiant Unilamellar VesiclesProteorhodopsin Signal PeptideSynthetic Cells

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