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  • Protocol
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This protocol allows for the in vivo quantification of venous compliance and distensibility using catheterization and 3D angiography as a survival procedure allowing for a variety of potential applications.


Synthetic vascular grafts overcome some challenges of allografts, autografts, and xenografts but are often more rigid and less compliant than the native vessel into which they are implanted. Compliance matching with the native vessel is emerging as a key property for graft success. The current gold standard for assessing vessel compliance involves the vessel's excision and ex vivo biaxial mechanical testing. We developed an in vivo method to assess venous compliance and distensibility that better reflects natural physiology and takes into consideration the impact of a pressure change caused by flowing blood and by any morphologic changes present.

This method is designed as a survival procedure, facilitating longitudinal studies while potentially reducing the need for animal use. Our method involves injecting a 20 mL/kg saline bolus into the venous vasculature, followed by the acquisition of pre and post bolus 3D angiograms to observe alterations induced by the bolus, concurrently with intravascular pressure measurements in target regions. We are then able to measure the circumference and the cross-sectional area of the vessel pre and post bolus.

With these data and the intravascular pressure, we are able to calculate the compliance and distensibility with specific equations. This method was used to compare the inferior vena cava's compliance and distensibility in native unoperated sheep to the conduit of sheep implanted with a long-term expanded polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) graft. The native vessel was found to be more compliant and distensible than the PTFE graft at all measured locations. We conclude that this method safely provides in vivo measurements of vein compliance and distensibility.


Patients with critical cardiac anomalies require reconstructive surgery. Most reconstructive operations require the use of prosthetic materials, including vascular grafts. Potential conduits to bridge this space include synthetic or biologic materials. Initially, homografts were used as the Fontan conduit but have since been abandoned due to a high incidence of calcification and acute phase incidents1. Currently, synthetic vascular grafts derived from inorganic polymers are used. There remains a challenge that these grafts are less compliant than the native vessel into which they are implanted and have long-term complications, such as stenosis,....


The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Nationwide Children's Hospital Abigail Wexner Research Institute (AR22-0004). All animals received humane care in compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, published by the National Institutes of Health.

1. Animal preparation

  1. Have a veterinary team evaluate the sheep 1 week prior to catheterization, including a physical exam and analysis of vital signs, to ensure the animal can safely receive anesthesia.
  2. Fast the animal overnight, or up to 12 h prior to the procedure, to limit the risk ....

Representative Results

We have successfully performed this procedure with over 25 sheep. Importantly, there were no instances of morbidity and mortality related to this procedure. All the sheep exhibited uncomplicated recoveries. These representative results were taken from three sheep implanted with PTFE grafts and three unoperated native sheep. Figure 5 provides the intravascular pressure measurements taken from both groups of study animals during the protocol. These values are important for the compliance and d.......


Compliance and distensibility are key properties for blood vessel function, serving as indicators of potential complications and interventions. Precisely quantifying and comparing changes in these parameters is important to assess graft efficacy. Our in vivo method overcomes the limitations of ex vivo analysis and maintains comparable results. Comparing our in vivo data to the ex vivo data presented by Blum et al., both methods demonstrate marked differences between the synthetic graft.......


This study was sponsored in part by Gunze Ltd.


This work was supported by R01 HL163065 and W81XWH1810518. We extend our appreciation to the dedicated staff at the Animal Research Core. We also wish to express our gratitude to Carmen Arsuaga for her invaluable expertise and vigilant care throughout the study.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.035" x 260 cm Rosen Curved Wire GuideCook MedicalG01253Guide for holding placement swapping caths (Multi-track, IVUS, etc)
0.035"x 150 cm GlidewireTerumoGR3507Guide for JR cath
0.9% Sodium Chloride SalineBaxter Healthcare CorporationNCH pharmacyFor diluting norepinpherine, pressure monitoring
10.0 Endotracheal tubeCoviden86117To secure airway
16 G IV catheterBD382259To administer fluids and anesthetic drugs
22 G IV catheterBD381423For invasive blood pressure
5Fr x .35" JR2.5Cook Medical G05035Guide for rosen wire
70% isopropyl alcoholAspen Vet11795782Topical cleaning solution
7Fr x 100 cm Multi-trackB. Braun615001Collecting pressure, Administering contrast to specific intravascular location
9Fr Introducer sheathTerumoRSS901Access catheter through skin into vessel for wires to pass through
ACT cartridgeAbbot Diagnostics03P86-25Activated Clotting Time
Angiographic syringe w/ filling spikeGuerbet900103SFor contrast injector
Bag decanterAdvance Medical Designs, LLC10-102Punctures saline bag to pour and fill sterile bowl with saline
ButorphanolZoetisNCH pharmacySedation drug: Concentration 10 mg/mL, Dosage 0.1 mg/kg
Cath Research PackCardinal HealthSAN33RTCH6Cath pack with misc. supplies
CetacaineCetylite220Topical anesthetic spray
ChloraprepBD930825Topical cleaning solution
Chlorhexidine 2% solutionVedco INCVINV-CLOR-SOLNTopical cleaning solution
Conform stretch bandageCoviden2232Neck wrap to prevent bleeding
Connection tubingDeroyal77-301713Connects t-port to fluid/drug lines
DiazepamHospira PharmaceuticalsNCH pharmacySedation drug: Concentration 5 mg/mL, Dosage 0.5 mg/kg
EKG monitoring dots3M2570
Fluid administration setAlaris2420-0007
Fluid warming setCarefusion50056
Hemcon PatchTricol Biomedical1102Patch for hemostasis
HeparinHospira, IncNCH pharmacyAngicoagulant: 1,000 USP units/mL
Infinix-i INFX-8000CToshiba Medical Systems2B308-124EN*EInterventional angiography system
Invasive pressure transducerMedline23DBB538For invasive blood pressure
IsofluraneBaxter Healthcare CorporationNCH pharmacyAnesthetic used in prep room
KetamineHospira PharmaceuticalsNCH pharmacySedation drug: Concentration 100 mg/mL, Dosage 4 mg/kg
Lubricating JellyMedLineMDS0322273ZET tube lubricant
Micropuncture Introducer SetCook MedicalG47945Access through skin into vessel
Needle & syringesCardinal Health309604For sedation
Norepinpherine Bitartrate Injection, USPBaxter Healthcare CorporationNCH pharmacy1 mg/mL
Optiray 320Liebel-Flarsheim Company, LLCNCH pharmacyContrast 
OptixcareAventixOPX-4252Corneal lubricant
OsiriX MDPixmeo SARL-DICOM Viewer and Analysis software
Pressure infusor bagCarefusion64-10029To maintain invasive blood pressure
PropofolFresenius KabiNCH pharmacyAnesthetic drug: Concentration 10 mg/mL, Dosage 20-45 mg·kg-1·h-1
Silk suture 3-0EthiconC013DTo secure IV catheter 
SoftCarry StretcherFour Flags Over AspenSSTR-4
Stomach tubeJorgensen Lab, INCJ0348RTo release gastric juices and gas and prevent bloat
T-portMedlineDYNDTN0001Connects to IV catheter
Urine drainage bagCoviden3512Connects to stomach tube to collect gastric juices
Warming blanketJorgensen Lab, INCJ1034B


  1. Hagler, D. J., et al. Fate of the Fontan connection: Mechanisms of stenosis and management. Congenit Heart Dis. 14 (4), 571-581 (2019).
  2. Nezerati, R. M., Eifert, M. B., Dempsey, D. K., Cosgriff-Hernandez, E.

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Inferior Vena CavaComplianceDistensibility3D AngiographySynthetic Vascular GraftsPTFE GraftIn Vivo Ovine ModelVessel CompliancePressure ChangeCircumferenceCross sectional AreaLongitudinal StudiesAnimal Use Reduction

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