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We showcase a method to successfully isolate fastidious and anaerobic organisms from cutaneous sinus tracts (tunnels) in tissues excised from patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa.


Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a debilitating condition marked by painful nodules and abscesses, progressing to sinus tracts (tunnels) within the skin's dermal layers, causing significant discomfort, foul-smelling discharge, disfigurement, contractures, and scarring, which severely diminish the quality of life. HS is associated with alterations in the skin microbiome, impacting immune regulation and the skin's defense against harmful bacteria. Despite its prevalence, the contribution of the HS microbiome to disease pathology and the limited response to treatment remains largely unknown. To date, multiple 16S rRNA sequencing studies on HS tissue have only achieved genus-level granularity, identifying an increase in Gram-negative anaerobes and a decrease in skin commensals. A deeper understanding of microbial dysbiosis in individuals with HS is essential for optimizing treatment strategies. This requires a two-pronged approach to assessing the HS microbiome, including the isolation of bacterial species, which are often underutilized in translational studies focused on skin disorders. Isolating individual microorganisms from HS tissue is crucial for elucidating the role of bacteria in HS pathogenesis. Here, we highlight reproducible methods to successfully isolate anaerobic pathogens from HS tunnel tissue, providing the initial and most critical step in understanding bacterial role in HS. This method paves the way for targeted research into microbial contributions to HS and for developing more effective, personalized treatment strategies that address the complex microbial burden of this chronic condition.


Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a common dermatologic condition characterized by nodules and abscesses that progress to sinus tracts (tunnels) formed within the skin's dermal and subcutaneous layers, causing significant pain, producing purulent discharge, disfigurement, and debilitating psychosocial sequelae1,2. HS disproportionately affects women and individuals with skin of color, typically emerging in late adolescence or early adulthood2. The condition's severe physical symptoms are compounded by its profound psychosocial impact, including depression, anxiety, and social iso....


This protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Miami (protocol #20200187). Informed consent is obtained from patients (n = 18, mean age ± standard deviation= 30.9 ± 9.4, 12 females, 6 males) diagnosed with HS tunnels and/or their legal guardian(s) prior to the procedure after previous discussion of research to allow for any concerns or questions to be addressed.

1. Patient sample collection

  1. Prior to handling excised tissue, use strict sterile precautions to minimize the risk of contamination. The individual handling the tissue should wear a lab coat, face mask, ....

Representative Results

In this study, we describe a protocol for the isolation and characterization of anaerobic bacteria from HS tunnels. This protocol is novel and notable for creating the potential to test the function and virulence of these bacteria using in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo skin infection models to increase our understanding of the microbial contribution to the pathogenesis of HS. First, we identified the tunnels from resected skin by probing them with sterile forceps (Figure 1A


In this study, we present a novel method for isolating and maintaining bacteria colonizing HS tunnels. This reproducible method will not only allow in depth characterizing of strains present in these pathologic structures, but it will also enable subsequent functional studies exploring the role of specific microbes in the pathogenesis of HS. The protocol's critical steps include tissue collection and transport in anaerobic media, which facilitates the preservation of viable fastidious microorganisms from HS tunnels. .......


The authors report no conflict of interest.


This work was supported by R01AR083385 (IP, MTC, HLT), P50MD017347 (TG, IP, HLT), and HS Foundation Danby research grant (TG). This work was additionally supported by NIH grant 1S1OD023579-01 for the VS120 Slide Scanner house at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Analytical Imaging Core Facility.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
6mm punch biospyINTEGRA33-36Other suppliers can be used
8mm punch biospyINTEGRA33-37Other suppliers can be used
Agarose Sigma AldrichA9539Other suppliers can be used
Anaerobic Chambers BD260672
Anaerobic Transport MediaAnaerobic SystemsAS-911
Brain heart Infusion AgarAnaerobic SystemsAS-6426
CO2 gaspakBD260678
Difco Reinforced Clostridial MediumBD218081
GlycerolSIGMAG5516-1LOther suppliers can be used
Hard shell PCR platesBIO-RADHSP9601Other suppliers can be used
Incubator VWRSymphonyAny callibrated incubator can be used
Inoculation loopsVWR76544-926Other suppliers can be used
LKV agarHARDY DiagnosticsA60
Microbial DNA-Free WaterQiagen338132
Nunc CryoTubeThermo scientific 377267Other suppliers can be used
PCR (CFX Connect Real Time System)BIO-RADCFX Connect Optics Module Regular Themocycler can be used 
PEA agar HARDY DiagnosticsA93
Q5 High Fidelity 2X Master MixBioLabsM0492S
QIAquick PCR Purification KitQIAGEN28104
Reinforced clostridia mediaBD218081
Thin ForcepsMillipore SigmaF4017Other suppliers can be used
Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA II) with 5% sheep bloodThermo scientific221261


  1. Gonzalez-Lopez, M. A. Hidradenitis suppurativa. Med Clin. 162 (4), 182-189 (2024).
  2. Revankar, R., Murrell, D. F., Murase, J. E. Shedding light on the impact of hidradenitis suppurativ....

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