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The microscopic-observation drug-susceptibility (MODS) assay is a low-cost, low-tech tool for high-performance detection of tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB). This video describes the MODS liquid media culture method.


Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) infect 10-15 other persons per year, making diagnosing active TB essential to both curing the patient and preventing new infections. Furthermore, the emergence of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) means that detection of drug resistance is necessary for stopping the spread of drug-resistant strains. The microscopic-observation drug-susceptibility (MODS) assay is a low-cost, low-tech tool for high-performance detection of TB and MDRTB. The MODS assay is based on three principles: 1) mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) grows faster in liquid media than on solid media 2) microscopic MTB growth can be detected earlier in liquid media than waiting for the macroscopic appearance of colonies on solid media, and that growth is characteristic of MTB, allowing it to be distinguished from atypical mycobacteria or fungal or bacterial contamination 3) the drugs isoniazid and rifampicin can be incorporated into the MODS assay to allow for simultaneous direct detection of MDRTB, obviating the need for subculture to perform an indirect drug susceptibility test. Competing current diagnostics are hampered by low sensitivity with sputum smear, long delays until diagnosis with solid media culture, prohibitively high cost with existing liquid media culture methods, and the need to do subculture for indirect drug susceptibility testing to detect MDRTB. In contrast, the non-proprietary MODS method has a high sensitivity for TB and MDRTB, is a relatively rapid culture method, provides simultaneous drug susceptibility testing for MDRTB, and is accessible to resource-limited settings at just under $3 for testing for TB and MDRTB.


  1. Prepare stock solutions
    1. Phosphate buffer stock
      1. Mix 950ml of sodium dibasic solution (9.47g of sodium phosphate dibasic dissolved in 1000ml distilled water) with 950ml of potassium phosphate monobasic solution (9.07g of potassium phosphate monobasic dissolved in 1000ml distilled water) and stir; keep back 50ml of each solution to adjust pH if necessary
      2. Adjust pH to 6.8 ± 0.2: add sodium phosphate dibasic solution to raise pH; add potassium phosphate monobasic solution to .......


The MODS assay is targeted at resource-limited settings.  For the first time, MODS brings the ability for rapid liquid culture detection of tuberculosis and multidrug resistant tuberculosis to resource-limited settings at just under $3 per test.  MODS is a non-proprietary, iterative methodology, and the MODS community is always interested in improvements that other laboratories have managed to make.

A recurrent concern is the biosafety of liquid media culture of tuberculosis because.......


We would like to acknowledge Sean Fitzwater and Carmen Giannina Luna Colombo for the tuberculosis growth time-lapse video segment.  We thank Marty Roper for her thorough and excellent feedback during the editing and co-authoring the User Guide, from which the current protocol was taken mostly verbatim.  Production of this video was funded by the NIH/ Fogarty International Center David A.J. Moore contributed as a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow in Tropical Medicine and Reader in Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London (Fellowship award number 078067/Z/05).  Mark F. Brady contrib....


Material NameTypeCompanyCatalogue NumberComment
NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Refrigerator/ freezerEquipment  to store pre-prepared broth and antibiotic stocks
VortexEquipment  to aid sputum decontamination
CentrifugeEquipment  for sputum concentration; capable of reaching 3000 g; does not need to be refrigerated, but MUST be biosafe (buckets can be sealed)
Incubator (37 degree C)Equipment  for culture; need not be CO2 enriched
Inverted light microscopeMicroscope  to read MODS plates
AutoclaveEquipment  to sterilize media, PBS and used plates
BalanceEquipment  to weigh isoniazid, rifampicin and NALC
Middlebrook 7H9 broth (Difco)ReagentFisherDF0713-17-9500gr/bottle; culture media base
Casitone (pancreatic digest casein)ReagentFisherDF0259‐17‐9500gr/bottle; culture media base
Glycerol (glycerin) lyophilizedReagentSigmaG‐33‐500500ml/bottle; culture media base
PANTA (Antibiotic mixture lyophilized BD) ReagentFisherB43451146 bottles/pack; antibiotic media supplement
OADC (Middlebrook OADC enrichment BD)ReagentFisherB1188610 x 20ml/pack; nutritional media supplement
Dimethyl sulphoxide (Hibri-Max)ReagentSigmaD-2650100ml/bottle; to prepare rifampicin stock
Antibiotic stocks: isoniazidReagentSigmaI-337750gr/bottle; direct susceptibility testing
Antibiotic stocks: rifampicinReagentSigma 99R-35011gr/bottle; direct susceptibility testing
Sodium hydroxide (pellets)ReagentSigma221465500gr/bottle; sputum decontamination
Sodium citrate (trisodium salt dihydrate)ReagentSigmaS-4641500gr/bottle; sputum decontamination
N-acetyl-L-cysteineReagentSigmaA-725050gr/bottle; sputum decontamination
Potassium Phosphate Monobasic crystal. KH2PO4ReagentSigmaP0662500gr/bottle; sputum decontamination
Sodium Phosphate Dibasic, anhydrous. Na2HPO4ReagentSigmaS0876500gr/bottle; sputum decontamination
Sodium hypochloriteReagenthousehold bleach to discard contaminated waste
15ml centrifuge tubes (polypropylene 15ml Falcon 35‐2096)ConsumableFisher14‐959‐49B500ea/case; for sputum decontamination and concentration
24 well plates (Plates Tissue 24 wells BD Falcon 35‐3047)ConsumableFisher08-772-150 plates/case; for culture and reading
Sealable polythene bags 6 X 6 “ (ziplock)Consumable  for biosecurity to contain 24 well plate
Glass tubes with lid (16 x 100mm and 18 x 145mm)ConsumableVWR47729-583500 tubes/case; to store aliquots of prepared broth
Screw cap microcentrifuge tubes (1.5ml)ConsumableFisher05‐669‐221000ea/case; to store aliquots of antibiotic stocks
0.22μm filters (aqueous solvents) Syringe filter Millex blueConsumableFisherSLGL 025 OS50 units/case; to filter antibiotic stocks
0.22μm filters (organic solvents) Syringe filter Millex yellowConsumableFisherSLGV 033 RS50 units/case; to filter antibiotic stocks
Disposable Pasteur pipettes borosilicate glass 9″ConsumableFisher13‐678‐20C720ea/case; to mix PANTA with media mix
Aerosol barrier tips 1000‐1300μlConsumableFisher02‐707‐511000ea/pk; to dispense media into plate
USA Scientific Tips One 1‐200μl yellow tipsConsumableFisher1111‐00061000 tips/bag; to dilute antibiotic stocks


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MODS MethodDiagnosisTuberculosisMultidrug Resistant TuberculosisActive Pulmonary TuberculosisDrug ResistanceMicroscopic observation Drug susceptibility AssayLiquid MediaSolid MediaMycobacterium TuberculosisAtypical MycobacteriaFungal ContaminationBacterial ContaminationIsoniazidRifampicinDirect DetectionSubcultureSensitivitySputum SmearCulture Methods

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