Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
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Nanorobot: a versatile tool in nanomedicine.
Journal of drug targeting Feb, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16608733
The impact of HER2/neu expression level on response to the E75 vaccine: from U.S. Military Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Group Study I-01 and I-02.
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19351776
Sex-specific effects of gestational and lactational coexposure to lead and cadmium on hepatic phase I and phase II xenobiotic/steroid-metabolizing enzymes and antioxidant status.
Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology Nov-Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 20024958
Acute Hypotensive Transfusion Reaction With Concomitant Use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
American journal of therapeutics Jul, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20634679
Comparison of liver tumor motion with and without abdominal compression using cine-magnetic resonance imaging.
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics Feb, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20675063
University of Toronto
M. Dean Chamberlain1,
Mark J. Butler1,
Ema C. Ciucurel1,
Lindsay E. Fitzpatrick2,
Omar F. Khan1,
Brendan M. Leung2,
Chuen Lo1,
Ritesh Patel2,
Alexandra Velchinskaya2,
Derek N. Voice2,
Michael V. Sefton1
1Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering / Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto,
2Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
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