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Combination of Helicobacter pylori strain and tumor necrosis factor-alpha polymorphism of the host increases the risk of peptic ulcer disease in children.
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition Aug, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17667716
Patterns of gastrointestinal disease associated with mutations of CFTR.
Current gastroenterology reports Jun, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18625144
Small molecules to treat cystic fibrosis.
Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society Nov, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21030520
Chronic ataluren (PTC124) treatment of nonsense mutation cystic fibrosis.
The European respiratory journal Jul, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21233271
New drugs for cystic fibrosis.
Expert opinion on investigational drugs Sep, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21745147
Novel therapeutic approaches for cystic fibrosis.
Discovery medicine Feb, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23449115
Nutritional Status Improved in Cystic Fibrosis Patients with the G551D Mutation After Treatment with Ivacaftor.
Digestive diseases and sciences Jan, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26250833
ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines on nutrition care for infants, children, and adults with cystic fibrosis.
Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland) 06, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27068495
Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society Nov, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28986025
Advancing the GI frontier for patients with CF.
Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society Jan, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29208346
Cystic fibrosis: a gastrointestinal cancer syndrome.
The Lancet. Oncology Jun, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29706381
Primary sclerosing cholangitis is associated with abnormalities in CFTR.
Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society Sep, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29807875
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem
George M. Solomon1,
Inez Bronsveld2,
Kathryn Hayes3,
Michael Wilschanski4,
Paola Melotti5,
Steven M. Rowe1,
Isabelle Sermet-Gaudelus6,7
1Department of Medicine and the Gregory Fleming James Cystic Fibrosis Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
2Department of Pulmonology and Tuberculosis, University Medical Center Utrecht,
3Center for Experimental Medicine, Queens University, Northern Ireland,
4, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem,
5Centro Fibrosi Cistica, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata,
6Service de Pneumologie et Allergologie Pédiatriques and Center de Ressources et de Compétence de la Mucoviscidose, Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades,
7INSERM U 1151, Institut Necker Enfants Malades
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