Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology
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Defining the Role of Estrogen Receptor β in the Regulation of Female Fertility.
Endocrinology 07, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28520870
ESR2 regulates granulosa cell genes essential for follicle maturation and ovulation.
Molecular and cellular endocrinology 10, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29580824
Differentially regulated genes in -mutant rat granulosa cells.
Data in brief Aug, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29900397
Liver transcriptome data of knockout male rats reveals altered expression of genes involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
Data in brief Feb, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 30671521
Disruption of ESR1 alters the expression of genes regulating hepatic lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in male rats.
Molecular and cellular endocrinology 06, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 30974146
SATB1-regulated transcriptome datasets of Rcho-1 rat trophoblast stem cells.
Data in brief Dec, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31886333
Granulosa cell genes that regulate ovarian follicle development beyond the antral stage: The role of estrogen receptor β.
Molecular and cellular endocrinology 05, 2021 | Pubmed ID: 33676987
Effects of spaceflight aboard the International Space Station on mouse estrous cycle and ovarian gene expression.
NPJ microgravity Mar, 2021 | Pubmed ID: 33712627
University of Kansas Medical Center
Fengyan Deng1,
Anamika Ratri1,
Clayton Deighan2,
George Daaboul2,
Paige C. Geiger1,
Lane K. Christenson1
1Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Kansas Medical Center,
2, NanoView Biosciences
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