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Mouse (Mus Musculus) models are being widely used to develop xenografts using human leukemia cells. These models provide a comparable biological system to study drug efficacy, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics. Modeling acute myeloid leukemia in immunocompromised mice is described in detail using the U937 cell line xenograft as an example.


Preclinical evaluation of therapeutic agents using an appropriate animal model is a critical step and a requirement for selecting drugs worth testing in humans. Therapeutic agents such as small molecule inhibitors, biological agents, immune checkpoint inhibitors, and immunotherapy each have unique mechanisms of action and call for careful selection of in vivo systems in which their efficacy can be tested. The purpose of this article is to describe in detail development of one such leukemia xenograft model for testing the therapeutic efficacy of novel agents. Using an immunocompromised (NRG) murine model that lacks B, T, and NK cells helps engraftment of transplanted leukemia cells and provides an acceptable microenvironment to study the therapeutic efficacy of small molecule inhibitors and some biological agents. This article describes the development of leukemia murine xenografts for in vivo drug testing using an acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell line murine model treated with the cytotoxic drugs daunorubicin and cytarabine as an example. Treatment response can be assessed during therapy using several noninvasive and minimally invasive methods. Bioluminescence imaging can be used to measure leukemia burden over time when luciferase prelabeled leukemia cells are used to develop xenografts. Peripheral blood count analysis provides vital information about side effects such as myelosuppression (e.g., cytopenia) and therapeutic effect (e.g., blast count or differentiation). These techniques help track differences in the development of leukemia or decrease in tumor burden at various time points during the drug treatment without scarifying the study animals. Secondary methods such as immunophenotyping using flow cytometry are applied to confirm differences in the leukemia burden among treated and untreated groups. The methods described here can be tailored and used for developing xenografts of other types of leukemia (e.g., acute lymphoblastic leukemia).


Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a clonal disorder arising from a malignantly transformed multipotent hematopoietic stem cell that acquires consecutive genomic alterations, eventually advancing into clinically overt disease. It is a highly complex disease with significant genetic, epigenetic, and phenotypic heterogeneity1. The uncontrolled proliferation and impaired differentiation of myeloid precursor cells (i.e., blasts) is one of the hallmarks of AML, leading to anemia, thrombocytopenia, and eventually death2. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2019, ~21,450 new cases of AML will be diagnosed, and ~10,920 peo....


All methods described here have been approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine.

1. Selection of animals for the study

  1. Maintain 18 healthy 10−12-week old male NOD.Cg-Rag1tm1Mom Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NRG) mice in a barrier environment under pathogen-free conditions.
    NOTE: The common source for the right mouse strain for the study is peer-reviewed publications. The recommended age for mice is between 6 and 12 weeks-old, depending on the study. If there is no gender preference for the experiment, it....

Representative Results

We developed a model to study the standard of care chemotherapeutic regimen for AML in a mouse model. Luciferase and tdTomato-expressing U937 cells were cultured to allow a few passages. The luciferase activity of the cells was checked using the BLI system and found to be highly active (Figure 1A). Cells were observed under a fluorescence microscope to confirm the tdTomato expression (Figure 1B). NRG mice were injected intravenously with U937-Luc-tdTomato cells,.......


Critical steps in the protocol
Characterization of the mouse model: Each cell line and primary cell-derived murine xenograft has a unique disease and host-specific factors that influence the time and characteristics of engraftment. Time to engraftment is usually defined as time taken for the bone marrow to have 25% blast cells or have bioluminescence signaling at least two logs higher than background or non-tumor bearing mice. It is critical to characterize the mouse model prior to starting an expe.......


The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Mark Kester is the Chief Medical Officer of Keystone Nano, Inc. Thomas P. Loughran, Jr. is on the Scientific Advisory Board and has stock options for both Keystone Nano and Bioniz Therapeutics. There are no conflicts of interest with the work presented in this manuscript.


This study was funded by the Kenneth F Noel Memorial Fund (D.F.C.), Delbert J. McQuaide Cancer Research Fund (A.S.), Austin R. Orwan Memorial Research Fund (A.S.), The Penn State Cancer Institute (PSCI) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under the National Cancer Institute (T.P.L.) (P01CA171983). This work was supported by Penn State Clinical and Translational Sciences KL2 award (KL2 TR002015) to CG. The authors thank the staff of the Penn State Cancer Institute, Department of Comparative Medicine, Bioluminescence Imaging, Flow Cytometry, and Four Diamonds Developmental Therapeutic Preclinical Core facilities at Penn State University College of Medicine.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 mL SyringeFisher Scientific309659
1.5 inch short bevel 20 g needleFisher Scientific305179
1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubeFisher Scientific02-682-002
13 mm Single Ring slideFisherbrand22-037-241
15 mL Polypropylene Conical TubeFALCON352097
1X RBC Lysis BufferFisher Scientific501129751
2 mL microcentrifgue tubeFisher Scientific05-408-138
4.5 inch blunt/straight tip scissorsFisher Scientific28251
4.5 inch serated straight forcepsVWR82027-440
5 mL, 12x75 mm round bottom test tubes (flow tubes)Corning352008
5/8 inch sterile 25 g needleFisher Scientific305122
6-well Non Treated Cell Culture PlateUSA ScientificCC7672-7506
Alcohol PrepCOVIDIEN6818
Aluminum FoilVWR89107-726
AutoFlow IR Water-Jacketed CO2 IncubatorNUAIREModel no. NU-8700
Blood CollectionRAM Scientific76011
Brilliant Stain BufferBD Biosciences563794
BV421-human CD33Biolegend366622
BV-650 mouse CD45BD Biosciences563410
Cell AnalyzerEMD Millipore CorparationN/A
Cell StrainerFALCON352350
Centrifuge machineBECKMAN COULTER605168-AC
Count & Viability KitEMD Millipore CorparationMCH100102
CytocentrifugeFisher ScientificA78300003
Cytoclip Slide ClipFisher Scientific59-910-052
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)EMD Millipore Corparation67-68-5
Disposable Centrifuge TubeFisher Scientific05-539-8
D-Luciferin-Sodium SaltGoldBioLUCNA-1G
FACS buffer (PBS with 2% FBS (Heat-inactivated))N/AN/A
Filter Cards for CytospinFisher Scientific22-030410
FITC-human CD45Biolegend304014
Fixable Viability DyeThermo Fischer65-0864-14
Fixation BufferBiolegend420801
Flow cytometerBD BiosciencesN/A
Flow Cytometry analysis softwareFlowJo, LLCVersion 10
Freezing Medium (90% FBS + 10% DMSO)N/AN/A
Graduated TipsUSASCIENTIFIC10/20 µL (1110-3700), 200 µL (1111-1700),
and 1000 µL (1111-2720)
Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS)Gibco14025092
Heat Inactivated Fetal Bovine SerumAtlanta BiologicalsH17112
In Vivo Imaging systemPerkin ElmerCLS136331
Insulin SyringesBD329461
Inverted MicroscopeOlympusCKX31
IsofluraneVEDCONDC 50989-150-15
Living Image Software – IVIS Lumina SeriesPerkin Elmer128110
Low Flow CO2 RegulatorE-Z SystemsEP-1305
MB-10 tablets, sterilantQuip LaboratoriesMBTAB75BX
Micro cover glassVWR48366 205
Mounting mediumFisher ScientificSP15-100
Mouse anti-human Fc receptor antibodyBD Biosciences564220
Mouse cage lid for euthanasiaE-Z SystemsE-20028
NOD.Cg-Rag1tm1Mom Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NRG)Jackson laboratory7799
ntracellular Staining Permeabilization Wash Buffer (10X)Biolegend421002
Penicilllin Streptomycin Solution, 100XCORING30-002-CI
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS)CORNIG cellgro21-040-CV
Pipet controllerDRUMMOND Scientific109883
PipetteEppendord Research2.5 (O24694B), 10 (O31418B), 20 (O24694B),
100 (O337778), 200 (O26279B) and 1000 (O40665B)
Rat anti-mouse CD16/32 antibodyBD Biosciences553142
RBC Lysis Buffer (10X)Biolegend420301
Refrigerated CentrifugeNuAireNU-C200R
Reusable sample chamberFisher Scientific5991040
RPMI-1640 mediumCORING10-040-CV
Serological pipetFALCON5mL (357543), 10mL (357551), 25mL (357535)
Styptic PowderFisher ScientificNC1577028
Tailveiner for mouseAgnthosTV-150
Trypan Blue SolutionCorning25900051
WipesFisher Scientific34155
Wright-Giemsa StainVWR10143-106


  1. Lowenberg, B., Rowe, J. M. Introduction to the review series on advances in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Blood. 127 (1), 1 (2016).
  2. De Kouchkovsky, I., Abdul-Hay, M. Acute myeloid leukemia: a comprehensive review....

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cancer researchacute myeloid leukemiaxenograft mouse modelspleenbone marrowluciferase expressing cell linebioluminescence imagingflow cytometryAML agents

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