To begin, disperse the carbon nanotubes, or CNTs, into a toluene solvent at a one-to-30 weight ratio, and dilute the PDMS base with toluene at an equal weight ratio. Magnetically stir the CNT toluene suspension and PDMS toluene solution at room temperature for one hour. Mix the prepared suspension and solution to form a liquid CNT PDMS toluene mixture, and magnetically stir on a hot plate at 80 degrees Celsius to evaporate the toluene.
Then add the PDMS curing agent into the mixture at a 10-to-one weight ratio to complete the synthesis of the ECPCs slurry. To fabricate the microfluidic channel-based stretchable electrodes, mix the PDMS-based solution and the curing agent at a 10-to-one weight ratio, and place the uncured PDMS mixture in a vacuum desiccater until all air bubbles disappear. Prepare the SU8-based mold with different microfluidic channel patterns using the conventional lithography technique on a silicone wafer.
Then pour the degassed mixture onto the fabricated mold, and place the mold on a hot plate at 85 degrees Celsius for one hour to cure the PDMS and transfer the SU8 mold pattern on the cured PDMS film. Then peel off the PDMS layer. Next, cast a small amount of the synthesized ECPCs slurry onto the PDMS surface, and using a razor blade, carefully scrape the slurry along the embossed microfluidic channel.
Then heat the slurry at 70 degrees Celsius for two hours. Finally, connect a copper wire to each end of the prepared electrodes, using conductive silver paste, and seal the connection with an adhesive rubber sealant. Soft electrodes with different trace designs and printing resolutions can be fabricated through this protocol.
The resistance of the electrodes increased with decreasing line width, and the serpentine electrodes exhibited higher resistance than the line structure electrodes, due to their longer effective length. The resistance of the electrodes increased linearly, with the tensile strain caused by the geometric effect. The sensitivity of the serpentine electrodes was lower than the line structure electrode, due to the strained releasing effect.