To begin, clean the working place and materials with 70%ethanol and RNase removing solution. Freshly prepare lysis buffer, lysis dilution buffer, 0.1 x lysis buffer, and wash buffer and maintain the buffers on ice. Pre-chill swinging bucket centrifuges to four degrees Celsius.
Centrifuge the cardiac progenitor cell suspension in a swinging bucket centrifuge. Gently remove all the supernatant without touching the bottom of the tube. Add 100 microliters of chilled 0.1 x lysis buffer to the cell suspension, and mix it by pipetting 10 times.
After five minutes of incubation on ice, add one milliliter of chilled wash buffer and mix it. After centrifuging the suspension, remove the supernatant and repeat two more washes with chilled wash buffer. Prepare the diluted nuclei buffer.
After resuspending the nuclei in the nuclei buffer, place the nuclei stock solution on ice. When the quality of the isolated nuclei was assessed by the evaluation of the nuclear membrane morphology, the isolated nuclei appeared smooth and uniformly round under Bright-field microscopy indicating an effective isolation process.