To begin, take the synchronized young adult C.Elegans hermaphrodites in a micro centrifuge tube. Add 200 microliters of M9 buffer, containing Poloxamer 188, Pluronic F127, and two microliters of the staining kit reagent to the worm pellet. Cover the tubes with aluminum foil to protect the dyes from light.
Let the mixture rotate at 20 RPM for one hour at room temperature. Then spin the worms at 500 G for one minute. After that, remove the staining solution without disturbing the worm pellet.
Wash the worms with M9 buffer thrice and transfer them into a seeded NGM agar plate containing the appropriate treatment. Wash the worms off the plates into fresh micro centrifuge tubes with one milliliter of M9 buffer. Afterward, fix the worms with 1%formaldehyde on ice for 30 minutes.
And wash the worms with one milliliter of M9 buffer thrice to remove any residual formaldehyde. After pelleting the worms, aspirate the maximum amount of supernatant, keeping the pellet intact in 10 microliters of M9.Next, to prepare 2.5%agarose, weigh 0.125 grams of agarose into a 10 milliliter borosilicate glass test tube. Add five milliliters of M9 buffer and dissolve the agarose by gently heating the tube with a bunsen burner.
Transfer the melted agarose to a dry bath set at 75 degrees Celsius. Add 100 microliters of the melted agarose onto a deck glosser microscope cover glass using a one milliliter tip. Immediately, put another slide perpendicularly on the agarose drop forming a cross shape.
After two minutes, gently separate the slides by pushing the upper cover glass leaving the agarose pad on the bottom cover slide. Transfer the worms onto the agarose pad with a Pasteur glass pipette. Use a wick made of a laboratory wipe to remove excess liquid.
Then cover the worms with a smaller cover slip and apply transparent nail polish to the periphery to prevent evaporation. Place the slide in a dark box to protect it from light. Use a confocal microscope to image the worms within 24 hours at the appropriate wavelengths using a 60 times magnification lens.
Next, open the imaging software and right click on the gray area. From the popup that appears, select acquisition. Ti2 full pad.
ND acquisition, and lookup tables. Under Ti2 full pad, select 60 times and adjust the microscope fine focus knob to bring the worms into focus. Then select spinning disc and choose the 16 bit-no binning option.
For each fluorescence filter, set the exposure time to 500 milliseconds and 20 milliseconds for bright field. Once these parameters are set, select run now and wait for the output image to be generated as an ND2 file.