Begin by taking 500 to 1000 nanograms of the scarce cell DNA library. Dry the DNA with a vacuum concentrator and resuspended it in 3.4 microliters of nuclease-free water. After adding the blockers, and while on the thermocycler, at 65 degrees Celsius, transfer the hybridization solution with the biotinylated RNA to the blocked library.
After closing the tube lid firmly, incubate in the thermocycler overnight at 65 degrees Celsius. Then transfer 50 microliters of T1 Streptavidin beads per sample to a 1.5 milliliter DNA low binding tube and place them on a 1.5 milliliter tube magnet. Once all the beads are stuck to the wall, remove the supernatant leaving the beads behind.
Now wash the beads thrice with 200 microliters of the binding buffer from the target enrichment kit and resuspend the beads in 200 microliters of binding buffer. Transfer the sample to the resuspended beads while on the thermocycler and incubate for 30 minutes. After washing the beads with 200 microliters of wash buffer 1, incubate them for 15 minutes, rotating at room temperature.
Then wash the beads thrice with 200 microliters of wash buffer 2 heated to 65 degrees Celsius and incubate in a thermo block. Finally, after amplifying the library by PCR, perform a DNA purification using paramagnetic beads by adding 270 microliters of stock beads to the sample and mixing by vortexing. An automated electrophoresis profile from a library, just before capture, provided 49.7 nanograms per microliter of DNA in 20 microliters reaction volume.
However, 3.06 nanograms per microliter of DNA is obtained from a high sensitivity automated electrophoresis profile from a finished leachic library.