To perform the Box-Behnken in response surface design for optimization of Zanba-Stir-Fried Tiebangchui or TBC processing technology. Use the range of sliced thickness the amount of Zanba, the processing temperature and the processing time determined by preliminary experiments using single factor tests. On the homepage.
Click on new design, and in the left panel of the design page, click on response surface. Then click Box-Behnken and set the parameters for the four factors in the table. Click on next, set the response names and click on finish.
To generate the response surface design. Complete the experiment based on the 29 scenarios designed for the response surface, using high performance liquid chromatography or HPLC. Record the peak areas and determine the quality of the MDA and DDAs in the Zanba Stir-fried TBC test samples.
Then input the comprehensive scores obtained via the critic method for the 29 trials into the computer and analyze it using the referenced software, to perform the statistical validation of the polynomial equations in the left navigation pane. Under analysis plus, click on R1 and then click on start analysis. In the configure window, click on ANOVA in the top menu and observe the results table displaying variance analysis.
Next in the top menu, click on model graphs and then 3D surface to obtain the response surface plots reflecting the effects of processing parameters on the synthetic scores. Go to the left navigation pane and under optimization click on numerical to validate the response surface model in triplicate under the predicted optimum conditions. Then in the top menu, click on solutions observe the predicted optimal conditions to verify the stability of the processing technology.
The response surfaces and contour plots demonstrated the changes in synthetic scores as a function of four variables, on the basis of the experimental results. The adjusted optimal processing conditions were a slice thickness of two centimeters, three times more Zanba than TBC, a processing temperature of 125 degrees Celsius and a processing time of 60 minutes. The reliability of the model was proven through three tests that were conducted according to the obtained processing parameters.