After anesthetizing the rat, use a shaving machine to remove the hair of the right hind limb. Then, place a medical cotton pad between the right ankle and hip joint. Fix the right knee joint at 180 degree extension using five to six layers of wet plaster bandage evenly.
Spiral wrap the plaster bandage starting from the ankle and covering one-third of the previous one. Use a hairdryer to dry and harden the plaster. After the plaster bandage dries and hardens, mix the denture base materials to make it sticky.
And externally wrap the plaster with denture based materials to fix and prevent it from gnawing. Once the mixture hardens, turn off the anesthesia machine and supervise the blood circulation in the terminal limb. Then, wait for the rat to wake up naturally.
After three weeks of continuous immobilization, using surgical scissors, cut off the denture base material outside and plaster bandage. Rinse the lower limb of the rat with saline and dry it with gauze.