Turn on the laser and wait for 30 minutes for the power to stabilize. Set the wavelength to 920 nanometers and power to approximately 50 milliwatts at the sample. Place the recording chamber with the head-restrained zebrafish on the experimental platform.
Position the objective lens close to the forebrain surface. For behavior recording, turn on the 810 nanometer infrared lights on both sides of the tank. Select the input source for VR display and start recording data.
Then, open the laser shutter and enable the photo multiplier tube. Gradually elevate the objective lens until the dorsal forebrain is revealed. Use a piezo actuator to acquire images at multiple depths to increase the number of neurons recorded.
Two photon calcium imaging records individual neuron activity in the dorsal forebrain up to 200 microns deep through intact skulls. The imaging range includes the paleo areas, Dm, cDc, rDc, and part of the Dl covering 30%of the adult zebrafish forebrain. Simultaneous behavioral recording performed during brain imaging enables the identification of neuronal correlates of motor outputs.
During imaging, tail movements should not cause visible motion artifacts.