Begin by removing the shoe and sock from the patient's right foot. Also remove all metal objects in contact with the patient's skin, such as bracelets, watches, rings, and chains. Position the patient's supine or semi-Fowler position with their legs and arms spread at approximately 45 degrees.
To measure BIA, clean the surfaces using a 70%alcohol pad and allow them to dry completely before placing the electrodes. Download the BIVAtolerance software by Piccoli. Open the Reference populations sheet.
Copy the appropriate reference population based on the patient's characteristics and paste it in the first yellow row. Click on the Z-score sheet. Insert the reference population and enter the medical record number of each patient into the Subject ID field.
Next, input a number between one and 10 in the Group Code field. Insert the resistance value obtained with BIA and adjusted by height in meters into the resistance divided by height subject field and the reactance value into the reactance divided by height subject field. Then input one in the Drawing option field to generate a plot.
Navigate to the spreadsheet program menu, select the Add-ins tab and click the Calculate button. Click on the Z-graph sheet within the spreadsheet program. Navigate to the Add-ins tab.
Click the NEW GRAPH button. Then proceed with conducting BIVA Z-score and phase angle analyses.