To begin, thaw the RCAS(A)retrovirus stock on ice. To avoid clogging the micropipette, centrifuge the solution at 10, 000 G for 10 seconds at four degrees Celsius and transfer the supernatant into a new tube while keeping the solutions on ice. Place a stretched laboratory parafilm on a 35 by 10 millimeter cell culture dish and add one microliter of sterile PBS to the parafilm.
Connect a prepared glass micropipette to an automatic Pico injector. Press the fill mode to fill the PBS into a micropipette and then press the inject mode to test the allocated one microliter of liquid. Place a second piece of stretched laboratory parafilm on a new cell culture dish and add one microliter of fast green stained viral stock to the film.
Lower the tip of the micropipette into the viral stock, and press the fill mode to fill the micropipette with one microliter of viral stock. Under a dissecting microscope, lower the filled micropipette connected to an automatic injector into the target region of the chicken embryo lens. Then adjust the light source to provide a clear view of the lens vesicle.
After ensuring the micropipette is within the correct location inside the lens lumen, inject five to 40 nanoliters of the viral stock. After injection, wait 45 seconds before gently removing the micropipette. Next, check the successful microinjection by examining the fast green dye in the empty lumen of the lens without an leakage.
Following examination, seal the eggshell opening with scotch tape and place the eggs in a 37 degree Celsius humidified static incubator. This study demonstrates the histological evaluation of the chimeric connexon 50 and 43 loops through immunofluorescence. Using Anti-Flag labeling, exogenous connexons were distinguished from endogenous ones.
The study also evaluates the interaction between the intracellular loop domain of connexon 50 and Aquaporin zero.