To inject the mouse with Dextran, FITC seven days post the matrix gel injection, RESUSPEND 0.5 milligrams of Dextran, FITC in 500 microliters of double distilled water. Thoroughly vortex it to obtain a one microgram per microliter Dextran, FITC solution. Fill a 29 gauge syringe with 50 microliters of the Dextran FITC solution.
Secure the mouse on the tail vein injection instrument, sanitize the tail with a 75%alcohol soaked cotton ball before carefully injecting 50 microliters of the Dextran FITC solution in the syringe into the tail vein. Apply pressure to the injection site with the cotton swab for one minute to staunch bleeding. Return the mouse to its cage and let it relax for 30 minutes before collecting the matrix gel plug.
To collect the gel plug, cut the skin of the euthanized mouse along the marked border of the plug, using surgical scissors. And remove the skin above the matrix gel plug. Collect the plug and rinse it in a beaker with phosphate buffered saline to wash off any excess blood.
Next, cover the bottom of the tissue embedding cassette with about 0.5 milliliters of tissue embedding gel. Then swiftly place the matrix gel plug on the tissue embedding gel in the planned orientation. Embed the plug with additional tissue embedding gel.
Solidify the cassettes at minus 80 degrees Celsius for 12 hours. After removing the solidified plug block, cut 12 micron thick sections using a freezing microtome. Then mount the sections onto microscope slides.