To begin, instruct the participant to execute three sets of eight repetitions in each of the seven exercises, categorized as easy on the Omni RES scale. For the second familiarization session, guide the participant to perform three sets of eight repetitions in each of the seven exercises considered hard or between levels five and seven. During the third familiarization session, guide the participant to perform challenging exercises rated between level seven and nine.
In the familiarization session four, instruct the participant to carry the exercises ranging from hard to extremely hard, or between levels nine and 10. After the last familiarization session, commence the strength tests in each of the seven exercises for a total of 72 hours. Print random sequences corresponding to the numbers one, for high volume, two for low volume and three for control.
Place each of these sequences into sequentially numbered opaque envelopes and seal these envelopes. After the strength tests, open these sealed envelopes to reveal the session order. Instruct the participant to perform three sets of the seven exercises aiming for maximum repetitions with the weight determined by the eight RM test.
Then provide the participant with a post-session meal between nine and 9:30 PM.Advise the participant to refrain from consuming other food until the OGTT the following morning. Finally, permit the participant to leave. In session two, ask the participants to perform low-volume exercises and provide them with the post-session meal as demonstrated earlier.
In session three, position the participant in each exercise equipment, but advise against any muscle contraction maintaining this for 30 seconds. Provide the post-session meal as shown earlier. After collecting the fasting blood sample early morning, ask the participants to ingest 75 grams of glucose in a 300 milliliter solution.
Then collect blood samples to measure plasma glucose in serum insulin concentration. Input the oral glucose tolerance test data, or OGTT into separate spreadsheets with the help of an unbiased research collaborator. Calculate the area under the curve for glucose and insulin following the trapezoidal rule.
Proceed with the computation of the oral glucose insulin sensitivity index. Calculate the matsuda insulin sensitivity index and determine the Cedarholm's index. Next, calculate the muscle insulin sensitivity index.
Determine the gut index. Proceed with the computation of the Avignon index. Then determine the Stumvoll index.
Glycemia and insulin responses to OGTT after no exercise, 21 strength exercises and seven strength exercise protocols in obese adults are presented. The glucose and insulin peaks were seen at the 30-minute mark, followed by a steady decline until the 120-minute measurement. The insulin sensitivity indexes indicate that individuals with lower glycemia and insulin concentrations after a standard glucose challenge have better insulin sensitivity.