To label the pericytes, add the fluorescent dye TO-PRO-3 to the artificial cerebral spinal fluid or ACSF. Now incubate the freshly sliced rat brain in the dye-laden ACSF for 20 minutes in a dark environment at room temperature. Next, transfer the nylon mesh strainer with the brain slices to a six-well plate rinsing chamber.
Let the brain slices rest in the chamber for 10 minutes. To label the non-vital pericytes, incubate the TO-PRO-3 tagged brain slices in conjugated isolectin B4 at 37 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes in the dark. After incubation, rinse the brain slices in artificial cerebral spinal fluid for 15 minutes.
Next, place the brain slices in ACSF gassed with 5%carbon dioxide and 95%oxygen. To this, add propidium iodide at a concentration of 37 micromolar at 37 degrees Celsius. To halt the dye uptake and minimize the background labeling, rinse the preparations for 15 minutes in ACSF.
Under normal physiological conditions, brain pericytes do not experience cell death. Viable pericytes that were not stained with propidium iodide were detected. The SAH models should vital pericytes within microvasculature.
Non-vital pericytes were also detected. Propidium iodide-labeled non-vital pericytes remained attached to the entire microvasculature.