To begin scanning, position the patient's supine with the abdomen exposed. Hip flexion, if tolerated by the patient, relaxes the abdominal muscles and may improve image acquisition. Apply ultrasound gel to the transducer.
Orient the transducer and the transverse plane with the indicator toward the patient's right. Ensure that the indicator position matches the one displayed on the screen. Place the transducer just distal to the patient's xiphoid process and apply light pressure to visualize the anterior aspect of the vertebra with its hyperechoic shadow casting arch.
Slide the transducer coddly until the celiac trunk is visualized. The celiac trunk is short and quickly bifurcates into the hepatic artery and splenic artery, which together form the seagull sign. Capture these images for later review by clicking the button on the system that records clips.
Slide the transducer coddly to view the superior mesenteric artery or SMA. Coming off the anterior aorta, SMA follows a path parallel to the aorta to course inferiorly. The splenic vein courses anterior to the SMA and the left renal vein courses between the SMA and the aorta.
Measure the AP diameter of the suprarenal aorta by optimizing a live image of the aorta in this location, and then pressing the system's freeze button. Press caliper or measure and move the track ball or touch pad of the system to the outer edge of the anterior wall, the adventitia and click select. Next, move the track ball or touch pad again to the outer edge of the posterior wall and click select.
Wait for the system to generate a measurement. Click the button on the system that saves still images to save this image as a still image containing the measurement. Continue scanning in a transverse plane to visualize the entirety of the aorta through the bifurcation and capture the images.
When a live image of the distal aorta is optimized, measure the AP diameter of the infrarenal aorta. Press caliper or measure and move the track ball or touch pad of the system to the outer edge of the anterior wall, the adventitia and click select. Move the track ball or touch pad again to the outer edge of the posterior wall and click select.
Wait for the system to generate a measurement. Save the still image as demonstrated previously. Adjust the depth as the abdominal aorta courses coddly through the abdomen becoming more superficial and tapering slightly.
Continue scanning coddly through the aortic bifurcation into the left and right iliac arteries. Adjusting the depth to maintain the aorta in vertebral body in the middle of the screen. Capture images while scanning through the bifurcation.
When imaging the abdominal aorta in the transverse plane, an aorta measuring greater than 3 centimeters was considered aneurysmal. Such aneurysms also showed the presence of a hematoma filling most of the lumen. The presence of an intimal flap within the lumen of the aorta indicated aortic dissection.
Depending on the chronicity of the dissection, the flap was either thin and moved with the pulsations of the aorta or thickened and had an adjacent hematoma. An acute thoracic aortic dissection was found to extend through the abdominal aorta and into the right iliac artery.