To begin, position the mouse on a dissection tray equipped with a nose cone for anesthesia delivery. Verify the animal's reflexes, such as paw retraction, to confirm that the anesthesia has reached an appropriate depth. Then, position the mouse to expose the dorsal skin.
Dampen the skin with ample 70%ethanol to prevent hair detachment. Make an incision along the back, starting from the lower part of the thorax and extend it up to the neck. Using bent tip forceps, gently lift the interscapular brown adipose tissue and carefully cut the attached tissue.
Lift the fat pad toward the head and continue cutting the attached tissues to carefully open the region until the Sulzer's vein is exposed. Now, carefully cut the Sulzer's vein. Using bottom cut 200 microliter pipette tip and a P100 pipette, collect approximately 40 microliters of blood and store the collected blood in a blood collection tube.
Keep the tube on ice until the serum collection process. Dampen the ventral skin generously with 70%ethanol to prevent hair detachment. Using scissors, carefully open the thoracic cavity to expose the heart.
Using a one milliliter syringe equipped with a 29-gauge half inch needle, precisely puncture the apex area of the left ventricle. Insert two-thirds of the needle approximately three to five millimeters to the right horizontal of the heart apex, and pull the syringe back to collect blood from the left ventricle. Then, centrifuge the blood samples at 10, 000G for 10 minutes at four degrees Celsius.
Using a pipette, collect the supernatant and proceed with metabolite extraction and analysis.