Before initiating SCRAP installation on the Mac OSX platform, execute the command which git in the terminal to confirm the existence of Git. To verify Miniconda installation, type which conda in the terminal. To install Miniconda, refer to the Platform Setup markdown file on the Meffert Lab GitHub Repository for instructions to install on Windows, Mac OS, and Ubuntu For Mac systems, using the Home Brew Package Manager, use the command brew install miniconda to install Miniconda.
To install Conda, run conda init, specifying the shell in use, then close and reopen the shell. A successful installation displays the base environment activated within the terminal session. Next, run the indicated git clone to obtain the latest copy of the SCRAP source code.
Install Mamba, an improved package solver for Conda. Using the following command, install all the dependencies for SCRAP from SCRAP_environment. yml to its own Conda environment.
Next, use the indicated bash script, specific to the organism whose SNC RNA mRNA interactions are analyzed for SCRAP. Provide the directory of the SCRAP source folder and perform the installation steps using the files within the FASTA and annotation folders. Ensure the directory path is complete and ends with a slash.
Refer to the tables in ReadMe. md for the correct miRBase species abbreviations. For updated reference genome, use the UCSC Genome Browser or the NCBI Genome Data Hub.
Inspect the corresponding species.annotation. bed files in the annotation directory in the SCRAP source folder. If there's a need to analyze a different species, provide an indicated file.
After installing dependencies and SCRAP, use the indicated script to initiate SCRAP analysis with the specified command structure. List the full path to the sample directories without any shorthand and format the sample directories with the folder name matching the sample name. Emphasize that the path listed leads to the directory containing all the sample folders and not to an individual sample folder or file.
Next, list the entire path to the adapter file. Verify that the sample names in the adapter file match the previously mentioned folder names and file names. Specify the sample type, either paired end or single end, and state the choice of RNA filters for pre-mRNAs, tRNAs, and optionally RNA cleaning.
List the entire path to the reference directory. miRBase abbreviation and the reference genome abbreviation.