To begin, position the patient in front of the digital occupational training system, adjust the instrument's display to the appropriate height and tilt angle, allowing the patient to touch the screen. Select the appropriate training program based on the patient's cognitive impairment and muscle strength. Then set the parameters, such as training duration, difficulty level, and side for each program.
For rapid matching training, click on Pictures on the screen and ask the patient to remember the pictures shown. Click the icon button to confirm if the shown picture matches the previous one. For memory matrix training, click to make three bright squares flash at different locations on the screen matrix.
Then click to darken all squares and ask the patient to click on the bright squares. To train the patient's reaction ability, instruct the patient to click on the catch icon when the cake falls above the cartoon avatar to prevent the cake from hitting the head. To train the color match ability, guide the patient to click on the corresponding color of a ball when it is close to the center of the circle.
This will make the ball bounce either two or four times. Next, train the patient's reactive ability by asking the patient to click and hit the bad guy or gopher when it sticks its head out. For memory training, display information of cards on the screen.
Now, flip the card and change its position. Ask the patient to find and click on the target card. To train the patient's judgment, display a left and right hand gesture on the screen.
Ask the patient to determine which hand wins or if it is a tie. Perform arithmetic reasoning training by instructing the patient to calculate the arithmetic problem on the screen and compare it to the number. Ask the patient to select the appropriate button corresponding to greater than, less than, or equal to.
Train the patient in sorting and picking by instructing the patient to pick and click on the appropriate type and item quantity from the list provided. Additionally, train the patient's judgment by asking the patient to click and capture a specific type and number of fish. For unilateral neglect training, ask the patient to click according to the video prompts to control the swimming red fish and consume as many fish as possible.
Next, train the patients with a jigsaw puzzle by clicking on the broken puzzle pieces to reposition them correctly. Finally, perform picture combination training by choosing the appropriate pictures from various shapes and colors on the left side of the screen and placing them in the correct order on the right side of the screen to form a specific pattern. For patients with executive dysfunction, train them with the following programs.
For food preparation, instruct the patient to virtually turn on the faucet, clean the tomatoes, and cut them into pieces. Next, place the cutup tomatoes onto a plate. Place the eggs into the bowl and stir them together.
Instruct the patient to fire up the stove, pour the cooking oil, beaten eggs, and then the tomatoes. Once cooking is complete, guide the patient to turn off the heat and transfer the cooked dish onto a plate. Train the patients with thinking and reasoning dysfunction with naming, card memory, and object differentiation programs.
For naming training, guide the patients to find and click on the correct picture or item name based on the information and sound prompts. For the card memory training, ask the patient to find and click the card that is the same as the one in the hand of the cartoon avatar in the upper right corner. To train the patient in object differentiation, identify and click on the object that is unique and different from the remaining objects.
To perform upper limb functional training, ask the patient to draw specific pattern lines according to the path prompts on the screen. Train the patient in musical recognition by erasing the gray squares in sync with the music rhythm, transforming them into colorful squares. For walking the maze, ask the patient to hold onto the small ball in the maze and navigate the maze to reach the diamond at the maze's end.
Finally, train the patients for two-handed coordination using the given programs. For the balance ball training, have the patient place their left and right fists on both ends of the balance beam with a ball on it. Instruct the patient to maintain the ball's balance on the beam.
To play the fish feeding game, instruct the patient to hold down the feed with one hand and click the small fish on the screen with the other hand. Next, guide the patient for archery practice by making the patient place one hand on the bow and the other on the arrow. Click control the arrow to release it and hit the target.
Finally, train the reaction coordination of the patient by instructing the patient to hold the hammer down using both hands, then click to hit the yellow ball alternately. Patients that underwent rehabilitation with a digital occupational system displayed greater improvements relative to the conventional system.