1 After dissecting scBAT2 from the euthanized mouse, 3 immediately put the tissue into a micro centrifuge tube. 4 Poke a hole in the top of the tube with a sterile needle 5 and snap freeze in liquid nitrogen. 6 Soak a pestle and thin spatula in liquid nitrogen.
7 Pour the snap frozen tissue sample 8 from the micro centrifuge tube into the mortar. 9 Add a small amount of liquid nitrogen to the mortar 10 and thoroughly grind the tissue with the pestle 11 until completely pulverized. 12 Use the thin spatula to scrape and transfer 13 the pulverized tissue back into the micro centrifuge tube.
14 Once all tissue is transferred, 15 add 500 microliters of RNA isolation solution to the tube 16 and sonicate for 30 seconds using a pellet pestle motor. 17 Next, use a syringe to pipette up and down 10 times 18 to further lice the tissue, 19 ensuring no solid particles are visible. 20 Add 250 microliters of chloroform and vortex occasionally 21 during a five minute, room temperature incubation.
22 Centrifuge the samples at 21, 000 G for 20 minutes 23 at four degrees Celsius. 24 Transfer the top aqueous layer into a new tube 25 and add an equivalent amount of 70%ethanol. 26 Transfer 500 microliters of the lysate 27 into a binding column.
28 Centrifuge at 18, 000 G for 60 seconds 29 and discard the filtrate. 30 For reverse transcription, add 0.5 to one microgram 31 of RNA diluted in DEPC treated water to a PCR tube strip. 32 Then dilute the CDNA to 250 nanograms per microliter 33 using DEPC treated water and set up the quantitative PCR.
34 The expression levels of marker genes involved 35 in mediating scBAT function were relatively similar 36 between scBAT and interscapular bat.