After electrode fabrication, pin each electrode lead wire to a channel on an electrode interface board. Connect the industry-standard electrode to the same board for comparison. Now connect the electrode interface board to a data-acquisition platform via a magnetic tethered cable system.
Denude one end of a perfluoroalkoxy coated stainless steel wire and spot weld it to a grounding source. Pin the ground lead wire to the designated ground position on the board. In a 250 milliliter glass beaker, add 180 milliliters of 0.9%sterile saline.
Submerge both custom fabricated and industry standard epimysial electrodes in the saline bath and secure them in a stable position. Then place the grounding source in the saline bath and secure its position. Submerge two stimulating needle electrodes in the saline bath and connect them to the signal generator.
On a signal generator, set the voltage to 0.1 volts and frequency to five hertz. Deliver repeated waveforms into the saline bath to compare recorded signals between the custom fabricated and industry standard electrodes. Assess performance informally and visually in real time to evaluate signal variation between electrodes.
The intraclass correlations revealed high levels of agreement between the custom fabricated and industry standard electrodes across all waveforms. The sine waveforms showed an intraclass correlation of 0.993, square waveforms of 0.995 and triangle waveforms of 0.958. Bland-Altman plots also indicated a high degree of signal agreement between the electrodes.
Similarly, Pearson correlations demonstrated strong positive correlations between the custom fabricated and industry standard electrodes.