Proceed to harvest the fetal serum from the fetal sack previously isolated from the dam. Using a number five forceps, carefully dissect the fetal sack to remove the fetus for serum collection. With curved forceps, transfer the fetus to a dish containing fresh, cold, sterile PBS.
Gently blot the fetus on a paper towel to remove residual amniotic fluid and PBS from the specimen. Hold the fetus by the abdomen. Partially decapitate the fetus with micro scissors by making an incision at the ventral neck.
Ensure the blood vessels are cut but the skin keeping the head is still attached. Hold the body at a 45-degree angle with the incision facing down. Hold a 50 microliter minivette or capillary tube parallel to the incision site where the blood forms a droplet.
Carefully allow the capillary tube to fill with blood. Place the head in a fresh 60 millimeter dish containing cold sterile PBS for further tissue collection. After the blood is collected within the capillary tube, press the plunger quickly into a 1.5 milliliter tube.
Flick, tap, or quickly spin the tube to ensure the blood is in the bottom. Centrifuge the blood samples at 4 degrees Celsius and 16, 000 G.Using a 200 microliter pipette, transfer the serum to fresh 500 microliter tubes without disturbing the blood cell palette at the bottom of the tube.