To begin, collect the above ground biomass of chamomile manually within each sample plot after completion of drone data collection. While collecting, cut the chamomile along the inside edge of the sample plot. Then, cut the rhizome of the chamomile from the bottom.
Remove any dirt, rocks, or other plants that are mixed in. Finally, bag and label the samples. Next, bring the collected samples of invasive plants to the laboratory.
Air dry all samples to evaporate most of the moisture. Dry the samples in an oven at 55 degrees Celsius for 72 hours to remove any residual moisture. Place a bag of chamomile on an electronic balance and record the stabilized readings in grams.
Once done, calibrate again and continue weighing. Weigh the chamomile every hour until the mass no longer changes. Subtract the weight of the bag from the reading to obtain the measured mass of that sample.
Finally, calculate the above ground biomass of the invasive plant using the formula displayed.