To begin, create a new EEG recording file on the EEG data collection computer. Open brain vision recorder and click on monitor to double check the impedance followed by stat or resume recording. Open the PsychoPy program's run experiment for the behavioral experiment.
Enter the participant's ID and the corresponding block number and click okay to start the experiment. Closely monitor the accuracy of data reported on the screen after the participant completes the check phase on the behavioral data computer. Pay close attention to the final reported accuracy of old versus new recognition.
After the participant has completed all blocks, invite them to wash their hair. To clean the EEG cap, remove the residual conductive paste with a toothbrush and wrap them in plastic bags. Once cleaned, hang the EEG cap in a well-ventilated area to dry.
Copy the EEG and behavioral data onto a portable hard drive, ensuring that the EEG data and behavioral data correspond.