To begin, connect the tattoo gun and foot pedal to the power supply. Position the foot pedal underneath the working surface. For assembling the tattoo gun, loosen the screws in the grip with an Allen wrench.
Insert the plastic tip all the way into the grip and tighten the screw to hold it in place. Then insert the metal tube in the back of the grip to half of its length and tighten the screw while adjusting the length. Insert a tattoo needle through the back of the grip to secure it in the plastic tip at the front of the grip.
Slide the back of the needle and metal tube through the tube clamp. After adjusting the metal tube, hand tighten the tube clamp until it cannot move. Remove the black O-ring, hook the needle onto the rotor arm, and replace the O-ring.
Next, set the required voltage on the power supply. Once the power supply is plugged in, press the foot pedal to check if the machine works. Fill the plastic ink pot with black tattoo ink to about three quarters full before tattooing.