To begin, dilute 1, 000 international units of heparin in three 250-milliliter, 0.90%sodium chloride solutions. Attach pressure transducers to the vital signs monitor. Connect the heparinized solutions to the transducer via needleless intravenous infusion.
Remove the thermodilution catheter from the packaging and immerse the distal end in 0.9%sodium chloride to check the integrity of the balloon. Check the patency of the distal and proximal catheter connections. After placing the sedated pig, insert a catheter into the marginal vein of the left ear.
Lower the mandible with the help of laboratory staff to keep the mouth open and the tongue sticking out. Spray 10%lidocaine onto the vocal cords. Then, clear accumulated saliva with gauze held by ring forceps and separate the epiglottis from the laryngeal opening.
Using a laryngoscope and a number three straight blade, identify the tracheal entrance. Then, insert a seven French endotracheal tube with a balloon. Inflate the balloon and fix the tube to the mandible after verifying its placement within the airway.