To prepare the surgery environment, arrange an object-carrying platter, a robotic arm, and two side-hanging arms on a working platform. After locking the mobile in the mobile holder, enable Bluetooth of the mobile device and the laptop, which serve as the surgeon's HoloLens emulator. Pair the devices for uninterrupted image transmission.
Ensure that the hanging arms are controlled by a stepper motor for a flawless revolution of 360 degrees. Connect the motor to the microcontroller board using the TB6600 driver. Click the Download button to download the microcontroller integrated development environment from the browser.
Then go to File and open a new sketch to write the code. Connect the microcontroller board to interface with the new sketch through a communication port number for connection port. Check the communication port and verify that it shows the microcontroller board.
Check the hardware switch settings of the stepper motor driver TB6600 to ensure a current flow of two amperes. Set SW4 to on and SW5 and SW6 to off. Set SW1 and SW3 to off and SW2 to on to achieve 1/8 micro steps, meeting the required revolution steps.
Connect RTC 3231 with the microcontroller to have real global time synchronization. Ensure the revolution step size is 12 degrees and the motor step increments only when the seconds read from the RTC module are odd. Connect the 5-volt pin of the microcontroller board to the RTCVCC and the microcontroller's ground to the RTC's ground.
Connect the SCL pin of RTC to the A0 pin and the SDA to the A1 pin of the microcontroller. This module ensures a 12-degree step size, completing 30 steps per revolution with increments occurring every odd second. Run the code available on the GitHub page to verify the setup is working correctly.
Download Android Studio to develop the automatic camera application. Connect the mobile phone to the system. In Android Studio, click New, New Project, and choose Empty Views Activity.
Click on Next to develop an Android code available at the given site. Confirm that the app captures the images automatically and sends them to a remote device consistently. Transmit snapshots from the mobile app immediately to the remote surgeon system through Bluetooth.