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Yeast Transformation and Cloning


S. cerevisiae are unicellular eukaryotes that are a commonly-used model organism in biological research. In the course of their work, yeast researchers rely upon the fundamental technique of transformation (the uptake of foreign DNA by the cell) to control gene expression, induce genetic deletions, express recombinant proteins, and label subcellular structures.

This video provides an overview of how and why yeast transformation is carried out in the lab. The important features of yeast plasmids will be presented, along with the procedure required to prepare yeast cells to incorporate new plasmids. The presentation also includes a step-by-step protocol for the lithium acetate method of yeast transformation. Finally, examples of the many applications of this essential technique will be provided.


Yeast or Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a widespread simple eukaryotic model organism used in the study of genetics and cell biology that can give insights into human cellular processes. This video discusses transformation - the uptake of foreign DNA by the yeast cell. It will introduce yeast plasmids, how to prepare yeast cells for transformation, a step-by-step transformation procedure, and will provide some applications of this fundamental technique.

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YeastSaccharomyces CerevisiaeGeneticsCell BiologyTransformationYeast PlasmidDNA UptakeYeast CellsTransformation ProcedurePlasmidCloningMultiple Cloning SiteMCSRestriction EndonucleasesRestriction EnzymesLigationOrigin Of ReplicationORISelectable MarkerDrug resistance


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