In experimental neuroscience, specifically for those studies addressing questions about development, it is relevant to count on quantitative characterization of brains of embryonic and prenatal specimens. Micro computed tomography in combination with a common contrast agent is capable of producing high solution images suitable for further morphometric analysis. Micro computed tomography has been applied to imaging hard tissue such as bone because of x-ray absorption in mineralized tissues.
However, in the last decades, the use of Lugol's solution as a contrast agent has upgraded the application of using machine technique for soft tissues. This protocol combines procedures and tools using the field to demonstrate the great potential of micro computed tomography for studying the prenatal brains of small animals. The strength of our proposal, precisely depicting the process from the sample preparation to morphometric data processing.
Images derived from micro computed tomography preserve a special information, which is difficult with standard histological techniques. Additionally, micro computed tomography with the use of a contrast agent has two advantages when compared with magnetic resonance. Scanners are less expensive and easy to operate and allow a higher spatial resolution.
The protocol presented here could be applied with subtle modifications to fix samples of different organs derived from diverse species. Then a variety of scientific questions could be approached. Since the contrast agent is administered by emersion, the main limitations should be related to the sample size, but the potential applications are enormous.