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This protocol involves transfecting cAMP sensors and bPAC-nLuc, an optogenetic protein, to accurately track its cellular distribution and response to light stimulation. The innovative approach of creating a cAMP response map using a point scanning system holds the potential for advancing research with optogenetic proteins in different fields.


Our goal was to accurately track the cellular distribution of an optogenetic protein and evaluate its functionality within a specific cytoplasmic location. To achieve this, we co-transfected cells with nuclear-targeted cAMP sensors and our laboratory-developed optogenetic protein, bacterial photoactivatable adenylyl cyclase-nanoluciferase (bPAC-nLuc). bPAC-nLuc, when stimulated with 445 nm light or luciferase substrates, generates adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP). We employed a solid-state laser illuminator connected to a point scanning system that allowed us to create a grid/matrix pattern of small illuminated spots (~1 µm2) throughout the cytoplasm of HC-1 cells. By doing so, we were able to effectively track the distribution of nuclear-targeted bPAC-nLuc and generate a comprehensive cAMP response map. This map accurately represented the cellular distribution of bPAC-nLuc, and its response to light stimulation varied according to the amount of protein in the illuminated spot. This innovative approach contributes to the expanding toolkit of techniques available for investigating cellular optogenetic proteins. The ability to map its distribution and response with high precision has far-reaching potential and could advance various fields of research.


Optogenetics, born as a tool that revolutionized neurosciences, is now a growing research field and a rising technology routinely used by many laboratories worldwide and across various research areas in biology. We developed bPAC-nLuc, a versatile optogenetic protein, by fusing a light-sensitive adenylyl cyclase (AC) from Beggiatoa sp. (bacterial photoactivatable adenylyl cyclase; bPAC) to nanoluciferase (nLuc)1,2,3. When stimulated with blue light, bPAC produces the second messenger 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). nLuc is a recently developed small lucif....


1. HC-1 cell culture and preparation for imaging

  1. Maintain HC-1 cells in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), penicillin (100 IU/L), streptomycin (100 mg/L), and L-glutamine in 10 cm dishes and incubated at 37 °C, 5% CO2, in 95% humidified air.
  2. Passage the cells every 2-4 days once cells are ~90% confluent using 1:5 or 1:10 dilutions.
  3. Seed cells for transfection on glass coverslips 2 days before the experiment.
    1. Working under sterile conditions in a tissue culture hood with pre-warmed media and PBS, aspirate the media from a near-confluent dish of cells and gently wash with 5 mL of PBS.<....


The results presented in Figure 1 show that only stimulations directed to the cell nucleus were able to generate measurable cAMP elevations. This confirms that NLS-bPAC-nLuc is expressed exclusively in the nuclear compartment of HC-1 cells. It is possible to precisely stimulate an optogenetic protein using this grid/matrix pattern to map its intracellular distribution. Additionally, the higher cAMP elevations towards the nuclear center reflect the higher mass.......


The objective of this study was to precisely monitor the intracellular distribution of an optogenetic protein and assess its performance within a particular cytoplasmic compartment. We also showed the precise stimulation capabilities of a point scanning system on cells expressing an optogenetic protein. To achieve this, we employed a nuclear-targeted bPAC-nLuc with high expression levels but a very confined distribution limited to the nucleus. The results showed that stimulation spots separated by only ~1 µm can eit.......


The authors declare no competing interest.


Funding was provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants R01 GM099775 and GM130612 to D.L.A.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
13 W Amber compact fluorescence bulb - Low Blue LightsPhotonic Developments 
3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX)SigmaI7018
6-line multi-LED Lumencor Spectra XLumencor 6-line multi-LED light engine 
Corning - DMEM Thermo FischerMT10013CMEA
Corning - Regular fetal bovine serumThermo FischerMT35011CV
Cover glasses: circlesThermo Fischer12545102P
GBX-2 dark red safelight filter 5.5" Kodak1416827Red safelight lamp  
Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS) 10xThermo Fischer14185052Diluted to 1x, adjusted pH
LDI-789 North
L-GlutamineThermo FischerBW17605E
Lipofectamine 3000 Thermo FischerL3000001Transfection kit 
Olympus IX83 motorized two-deck microscope OlympusMotorized two-deck microscope 
Opti-MEM, no phenol redThermo Fischer11058021
ORCA-fusion digital CMOS camera HamamatsuC14440-20UP
Penicillin-streptomycin (10,000 U/mL)Thermo Fischer15140122
Phosphate buffered solution (1x)Lonza17516F
Prior emission filter wheel and filter setsPrior Scientific, Inc.Emission filter wheel 
Prior Proscan XY stagePrior Scientific, Inc.XY stage 
Slidebook 6Intelligent Imaging InnovationsDigital microscopy software
SysCon softwareSysCon SoftwareSoftware provided by the stimulation system 
UGA-42 Geo Rapp OptoElectronic
UPlanSApo 100xOlympus100x/1.4 NA oil objective (∞/0.17/FN26.5)
ZT458rdc dichroic Chroma Technology CorpBS, Wavelength (CWL): 498 nm


  1. Naim, N., et al. Luminescence-activated nucleotide cyclase regulates spatial and temporal cAMP synthesis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 294 (4), 1095-1103 (2019).
  2. Naim, N., Reece, J. M., Zhang, X., Altschuler, D. L.

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Optogenetic ProteinCellular DistributionLight Stimulation GridCAMP SensorsBPAC nLucLuciferase SubstratesSolid state Laser IlluminatorHC 1 CellsResponse MapLight StimulationIntracellular TrackingCytoplasmic LocationResearch Techniques

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