Our research is focused on better understanding mitochondrial biogenesis, in particular, the OXPHOS System organization and Regulation, and also on defining the role that mitochondria play in diseases from cancer to neurodegenerative disorders. Mitochondria perform multiple and essential roles in the cell, conditioning its whole metabolism and survival. We're slowly increasing our knowledge of mitochondrial complexity, and its contribution to cell adaptation mechanisms in health and disease.
We have contributed to establish a new organization model for the OXPHOS system, the plasticity model that integrates previous proposals and assumes the coexistence of super complexes and free complexes in different proportions to optimize its function and allow cellular adaptations. Our protocol allows starting from small tissues or cell culture samples to obtain enough mitochondrial protein amounts to analyze super complexes assembly and status and function by blue native electrophoresis or other techniques. We can do this reproducibly in a short time with a simple equipment and relatively with low costs.