With this research, we try to elucidate the biochemical functions of peroxidase and beta 1, 3-glucanase that are induced during wheat, Russian wheat aphid interaction. Enzymes that I mentioned form the recent interesting developments in our research because they modify the cell wall, the plant cell wall during Russian wheat aphid interaction. Because of that, they deter feeding in the resistant culture.
And this study is part of the pre-breeding program, so it shows that the biochemistry has a role to play in plant effects. So the challenges with production currently is the evolution of Russian wheat aphid biotypes. Currently we have Russian wheat aphid biotype one to biotype five.
Biotype five is the most virulent because it has overcome all the resistance conferred by the Diuraphis noxia genes in commercial wheat cultivars. Therefore, it means we need to develop strategies that incorporate the biochemistry, the breeding, and the insecticides to protect wheat. We found this enzymes in peroxidase.
It was significant for us to extract the IWF from the cell wall matrix and then we could see that beta 1, 3-glucanase and peroxidase are linked to the cell wall or they are bound to the cell wall. And their function on the cell is as follows. Peroxidase perform cross-linking of the lipin to the carbohydrates, while Beta 1, 3-glucanase regulate callose deposition making the plant more resistant.
The method developed in our lab can be used to extract Beta 1, 3-glucanase as well as peroxidase from the cell wall as well as the apoplastic region. This can be used in the fields that are involved in plant growth and development, as well as plant pest interaction. Additionally, IWF can be studying further to find new types of defectants that make the plant susceptible.