Department of Molecular Biology
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Dual protection against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections: what is the best contraceptive approach?
Sexually transmitted diseases Mar, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 11875378
Invited commentary: condom effectiveness-will prostate-specific antigen shed new light on this perplexing problem?
American journal of epidemiology Feb, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12578799
Contraceptive effectiveness of a polyurethane condom and a latex condom: a randomized controlled trial.
Obstetrics and gynecology Mar, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12636960
Understanding risk: a randomized controlled trial of communicating contraceptive effectiveness.
Obstetrics and gynecology Oct, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 14551000
Minimum effectiveness of the levonorgestrel regimen of emergency contraception.
Contraception Jan, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 14720626
The time has come for common ground on preventing sexual transmission of HIV.
Lancet Nov 27-Dec 3, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15566989
Does a choice of condoms impact sexually transmitted infection incidence? A randomized, controlled trial.
Sexually transmitted diseases Jan, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16385220
Consistency between most important reasons for using contraception and current method used: the influence of health care providers.
Contraception Apr, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16531175
Communicating contraceptive effectiveness: A randomized controlled trial to inform a World Health Organization family planning handbook.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Jul, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16626610
Condoms and sexually-transmitted infections.
The New England journal of medicine Jun, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16790696
Prostate-specific antigen to ascertain reliability of self-reported coital exposure to semen.
Sexually transmitted diseases Aug, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16865047
Decreased condom breakage and slippage rates after counseling men at a sexually transmitted infection clinic in Jamaica.
Contraception Apr, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17362708
Contraceptive implants in Kenya: current status and future prospects.
Contraception Jun, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17519154
Self-reported condom use is associated with reduced risk of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis.
Sexually transmitted diseases Oct, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17579339
Communicating contraceptive effectiveness: an updated counseling chart.
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Jul, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17618790
Pregnancy risk among oral contraceptive pill, injectable contraceptive, and condom users in Uganda, zimbabwe, and Thailand.
Obstetrics and gynecology Nov, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17978111
Benchmarking self-reported practice regarding Scottish Executive guidance on hepatitis C-infected health care workers.
Occupational medicine (Oxford, England) Dec, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 18000022
Are condoms the answer to rising rates of non-HIV sexually transmitted infections? Yes.
BMJ (Clinical research ed.) Jan, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18219036
Injectable contraception: what should the longest interval be for reinjections?
Contraception Jun, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18477489
Particulate matter exposure during domestic work in Nepal.
The Annals of occupational hygiene Aug, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18524756
Good performance of rapid prostate-specific antigen test for detection of semen exposure in women: implications for qualitative research.
Sexually transmitted diseases Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19455082
Menstrual pattern changes from levonorgestrel subdermal implants and DMPA: systematic review and evidence-based comparisons.
Contraception Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19631785
Biomarker validation of reports of recent sexual activity: results of a randomized controlled study in Zimbabwe.
American journal of epidemiology Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19741042
Assessment of a disposable trocar for insertion of contraceptive implants.
Contraception Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20103452
Sino-implant (II)--a levonorgestrel-releasing two-rod implant: systematic review of the randomized controlled trials.
Contraception Mar, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20159174
Rapid and mobile determination of alcoholic strength in wine, beer and spirits using a flow-through infrared sensor.
Chemistry Central journal , 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20331845
Predictors of unprotected sex among female sex workers in Madagascar: comparing semen biomarkers and self-reported data.
AIDS and behavior Dec, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20625928
Cohort profile: Scottish health and ethnicity linkage study of 4.65 million people exploring ethnic variations in disease in Scotland.
International journal of epidemiology Oct, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20657021
Vaginal swab specimen processing methods influence performance of rapid semen detection tests: a cautionary tale.
Contraception Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20705160
The promise of affordable implants: is cost recovery possible in Kenya?
Contraception Jan, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21134509
Side-by-side comparison of an open-chamber (TM 300) and a closed-chamber (Vapometer(â„¢) ) transepidermal water loss meter.
Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI) Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21492241
The effects of condom choice on self-reported condom use among men in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa: a randomized trial.
Contraception Sep, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21843696
Do women using long-acting reversible contraception reduce condom use? A novel study design incorporating semen biomarkers.
Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21845022
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