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The endoscope-assisted minimally invasive retro-sigmoid approach (EAMIRSA) is a surgical technique that can be used for the treatment of the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) and internal auditory canal (IAC) disease. Here, we describe the material necessary to perform EAMIRSA and illustrate the technique using a step-by-step cadaver dissection.


EAMIRSA is a surgical technique that can be used for the treatment of the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) and internal auditory canal (IAC) diseases, as well as for treating schwannoma, for decompression surgeries (e.g., loops of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA)), and for the vestibular neurectomy in patients with invalidating vertigo. This technique combines the use of an endoscope and a microscope; the former allows a perfect view of the surgical area (CPA, IAC, and brain structures) and the latter ensures safety of the surgery maneuvers. The use of a minimally invasive approach reduces post-surgery headaches and the risk of a Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) leak. Our group successfully used EAMIRSA during decompression procedures for treating a hemi-facial spasm and tinnitus. Results were satisfactory in terms of function recovery. Sequelae and surgical complications were observed in less than 1% of patients. In acoustic schwannoma surgery, facial nerve damage was observed in less than 1% of cases and the recurrence rate was 0.3%. This article describes the material necessary for performing EAMIRSA and illustrates the technique using a step-by-step cadaver dissection.


Surgical approaches to the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) and internal auditory canal (IAC) are associated with high risks due to a limited view of the target areas. Techniques that totally rely on endoscopy have been proposed1,2, but the high risk of facial nerve sequelae1, significant learning curves, and the need for a third hand for maintaining the endoscope in position2 have limited their applicability.

The endoscope-assisted minimally invasive retro-sigmoid approach (EAMIRSA), originally proposed in 19763, w....


This study was approved by the Human Ethic Committee of University Hospital of Perugia and was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki.

The sample was represented from subject over 18 years, with equal sex distribution.

1. Preparation of the Patient

  1. Set up the operating room as shown in Figure 1. Place the patient on the surgical table and connect the anesthesia monitoring system.
  2. Anesthesia
    1. Pre-medicate with 1-2 mg of Lorazepam Oral intravenously or with 2-4 mg of Lorazepam Oral if....


EAMIRSA has been successfully used by several surgeons4,5,6,7,9. Our group has used this technique on patients suffering from facial hemispasm (HFS) due to a vascular loop compression on the VII cranial nerve (facial) and has achieved satisfactory results in the short- and long-term follow-up, including short recovery time, sym.......


Loops in the CPA and IAC ultimately manifest with a number of symptoms/signs, including HFS and tinnitus. In our previous studies6,7, we quantified the correlation between the loop presence and the occurrence of HFS (or tinnitus) on the ipsilateral side. We also found that in cases where tinnitus was due to a loop impingement involving the cochlear nerve, the minimum caliber of the impinging vessel was 0.8 mm6.



The authors have nothing to disclose.


Special thanks to the surgery team of Dr. E. Zanoletti and Dr. G.P. Ricci for their support in the study. Thanks to all collaborators of the Permanent Temporal Bone Laboratory of University of Perugia.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
No Consumable
Facial nerve monitoring systemNIM (Medtronic Jacksonville (FL), USA)8253002
Video ColumnAIDA, StorzS-1263
Video CameraSTORTZS-1263
Focal Operatory microscopeZEISS OPMI SENSERAS-0607
Rigid Endoscope 0°STORZ7229 AA
Rigid Endoscope 45°STORZ7229 FA
Drill Stilus LegendMEDTRONIC1898001
Electric Scalpel DIATERMO MB 380GIMA30692
Aspiration system: 1 continuous and 1 with finger-controlTOBI28234
Instruments for the otoneurology approach:
- Stainless cups.
- Large cup warms serum.
Lempert elevatorMILTEX19-1340
- Scalpel Handle No. 3, 4, and 7.
- Needle holder: 1 strong, 1 less strong.MAYO HEGART26531
- Two pairs of scissors Allaine: 1courbe, 1 right.EMEACurved : PO144123 ; Straight: PO143282
-Dissection griffes, foam, De BakeySURGIWAY14.1012T
- Aspirations:
o Three Fraziers No. 10.12.15.INTEGRA
o Otoneurology suction set: 1 * 2.0, 1 * 1.8; 2 * 1.5; 3 * 1.2 (long); 2 * 1.0.INTEGRA3724218; 3724172; 3724210
- Retractors:
o Faraboeuf: 1pair thin, 1 thick pair 12-14 cmINTEGRA
o Auto-static of Wulstein or BeckmannINTEGRAo-28-8
CuttingSee on productor catalogue
DiamondsSee on productor catalogue
Micro-instruments of otoneurology:
Fine bipolar forceps MagnanINTEGRACP392BI and CP392BS
A pair of scissor Sterkers.NOT AVAILABLE
Two pairs of scissors Yasargil (1 right, 1 curve).SKLAR98-2114
Two-surgical forceps (one right, one curve upward).INTEGRA MetzboundCurved: CP351-3; Straight: CP351-2
A dura scalpelSTORTZ28164 EL
A dura elevatorSTORTZ663535
In case of IAC first: surgical scissors straight strong
Straight instruments:
A blunt hook.INTEGRAMCO813
Two Marquet periostal elevator (1 left, 1 right).INTEGRAMCO950
Bayonet instruments
House HartmanINTEGRA3721036
One pointed and sharp hookINTEGRA CausseMCO657
Four small periostal elevator (facing up, down, left, right)STORTZ223982
Four large periostal elevator (facing up, down, left, right)INTEGRAMCO224A-2-0
Four hooks (facing up, down, left, right)STORTZ223942; 223943
Instruments for otoneurosurgery approach :
Scalpel n°23
Dissection griffesINTEGRA MAC INDOECP 400 ; CP 407 ;CP 415
Wulstein auto-staticINTEGRAo-28-8
Elevator LampertMILTEX19-1340
Bipolair forcepsINTEGRACP392-2R
Scalpel for duraSTORTZ28164 EL
Scalpel n°11
Dissection griff DeBakeySURGIWAY14.1012T
Scissor AllaineEMEACurved : PO144123 ; Straight: PO143282
Needle holderMAYO HEGART26531
Consumable Material
Two suction tubes, with suction cannulas of different sizes.
Operating light handpiece.
Microscope case, camera cover, instrument pocket.
Xomed / Medtronic 2-channel electrode set for monitoring the facial nerve.
Scalpel blades: 22, 11.Medtronic
Glass scalpel blades.
Surgical gloves and caps
Adhesive surgical (craniotomy pack).
Sterile woven and nonwoven compresses.
Syringe and needle infiltration.
Drugs: 0.5% adrenaline xylocaine, saline, sterile water
NeuropatchB/Braun-Aesculap, Tuttlingen, Germany
Fibrillar SurgicelBraun
Biological glue 2mlTIssucol
Horsley Wax
Cottons of neurosurgery cut into various sizes that will be carefully counted (opposite)
Teflon cut into various sizes then crushed to be thinnedCodman
Lyophilized hardstock or Durapatch Ethisorb Polyglactin 910 / PolydioxanonBard PTFE
Re-absorbable sutureEthicon
Not-resorbable sutureVicryl
Urethane spongeNovafil 2.0


  1. Marchioni, D., et al. Expanded Transcanal Transpromontorial Approach: A Novel Surgical Technique for Cerebellopontine Angle Vestibular Schwannoma Removal. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 158 (4), 710-715 (2018).
  2. Setty, P., Babu, S., LaRouere, M. J., Pieper, D. R.

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Hemifacial spasmTinnitusNeurovascular conflictMinimally invasive surgeryRetro sigmoid approachEndoscopic surgeryNerve decompressionQuality of life

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