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In this study, we present a protocol of PASM-Masson dual staining to identify the location and extent of glomerular immune complex deposition in renal diseases.


Special histochemical staining is an important method for a renal biopsy, which includes PAS staining, periodic acid silver methenamine (PASM) staining, and Masson staining. In this study, we aim to develop and modify the method of PASM and Masson double staining (PASM-Masson) in a renal biopsy. One hundred and fifty-two cases of renal biopsy were detected by PASM-Masson staining in our hospital. The results showed that the background of the slices was clean, and the renal structures were more visible under the microscope. The glomerular basement membrane, renal tubular basement membrane, and capillary basement membrane were stained black or brown; the mesangium and collagen fibers were stained blue black; the renal tubular epithelial cells and immune complexes were dyed red. These findings indicate that the glomerular immune complex deposition can be accurately identified and positioned by modified PASM-Masson staining, which might have important effects on the pathological diagnosis of renal diseases.


Special histochemical staining has been used by pathologists to assist in tissue-based diagnoses for over 100 years1,2. The application of special staining in the diagnosis of renal diseases has been recognized as an important method for distinguishing the types of renal diseases and displaying some special components in renal tissues3.

To date, a variety of special stains have been applied to renal biopsies, which includes periodic acid silver methenamine (PASM) staining and Masson's trichrome staining. Lesions of the glomerular capillary walls are the m....


The protocol follows the guidelines of our hospital's human research ethics committee. One hundred and fifty-two cases of renal biopsy specimens were collected from the Department of Pathology at the Shenzhen Third People's Hospital (The Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern University of Science and Technology) from January 2018 to May 2019.

1. Material preparation

  1. Fix all tissues with 4% neutral buffered formaldehyde (pH 7.0) for 24 h.
  2. Dehydrate the fixed tissues in an ethanol series (100%, 95%, 80% and 75%) for 1 min in each percentage, clear in xylene and then embed in paraffin wax.
  3. Cut the slice....


PASM-Masson staining before modification (Figure 1A-D) showed that the hexamine silver staining was dyed deep black, and Masson staining showed a light dyeing on the immune complex in the glomerulus. In addition, the contrast between the basement membrane and the immune complex was not distinct. As a whole, the structures of the glomeruli and renal tubules were indistinct, and the background colors displayed hyperchromasia.


Pathological diagnosis is an important tool for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of renal diseases, and it is of great significance for the guidance of treatment and predicted value of renal diseases10,11,12. Special staining is an essential method for renal biopsy including PAS staining, PASM staining and Masson staining3,13,14.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 81872202); by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (Grant No. 2015A030313263, 2018A030313778); by Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Cell Microenvironment and Disease Research (Grant No. 2017B030301018); by the Natural Science Novel Project of Department of Education of Guangdong Province (Grant No. 2013KJCX0093).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Absolute ethyl alcoholGuanghua company (Guangzhou city, China)1.17113.023
Bouin's fixed solutionKaixiu company (Guangzhou city, China)20180627Sealing
DimethylbenzeneSinopharm Chemical Reagent limited corporation, China20180607
Ethyl alcohol (75%)Likang company (Nanchang city, China)20180915
Ethyl alcohol (95%)Likang company (Nanchang city,China)20181005
Glacial acetic acidLingfeng company (Shanghai city, China)20170912
Hematoxylin staining solutionBASO company (Zhuhai city, China)718101
Masson kitWeigxi company (Guangzhou city, China)18121101Store at 4°C
PASM kitBASO company (Zhuhai city, China)618091Store at 4°C


  1. Wick, M. R. Diagnostic histochemistry: A historical perspective. Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology. 35 (6), 354-359 (2018).
  2. Kim, Y. J., Kim, M. J., Kweon, D. K., Lim, S. T., Lee, S. J. Quantification of Hypopigmentation Activity In Vitro.

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Special stainingPASM stainingMasson stainingPASM Masson stainingrenal biopsyimmune complexesbasement membraneglomerular diseases

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