Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division
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Effects of postoperative peritoneal lavage on pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in horses after celiotomy.
American journal of veterinary research Oct, 1997 | Pubmed ID: 9328672
Laparoscopy-assisted endoscopic removal of a stromal-cell tumor of the stomach.
Endoscopy Sep, 1997 | Pubmed ID: 9360883
Effect of increasing dietary vitamin A on bone density in adult dogs.
Journal of animal science Nov, 1997 | Pubmed ID: 9374313
The development of eye movements in the zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Developmental psychobiology Dec, 1997 | Pubmed ID: 9413674
Degradation of nonionic surfactants and polychlorinated biphenyls by recombinant field application vectors.
Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology Oct, 1997 | Pubmed ID: 9439001
The preferred management of choledocholithiasis.
The Western journal of medicine Jan, 1998 | Pubmed ID: 9448492
Evaluation of postoperative peritoneal lavage in standing horses for prevention of experimentally induced abdominal adhesions.
Veterinary surgery : VS Mar-Apr, 1998 | Pubmed ID: 9525026
Temporary splenic artery balloon occlusion for protection of nonsplenic vascular beds during splenic embolization.
AJR. American journal of roentgenology May, 1998 | Pubmed ID: 9574581
Technical note: a technique for inserting a T-cannula into the distal ileum of pregnant sows.
Journal of animal science May, 1998 | Pubmed ID: 9621950
Role of the parCBA operon of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2 in stable plasmid maintenance.
Journal of bacteriology Nov, 1998 | Pubmed ID: 9811663
Retinal neurogenesis: the formation of the initial central patch of postmitotic cells.
Developmental biology Mar, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10068465
Mechanisms contributing to the deficits in hippocampal synaptic plasticity in mice lacking amyloid precursor protein.
Neuropharmacology Mar, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10219973
A seminested RT-PCR assay for HER2/neu: initial validation of a new method for the detection of disseminated breast cancer cells.
Molecular diagnosis : a journal devoted to the understanding of human disease through the clinical application of molecular biology Mar, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10229771
Comparative protein and amino acid digestibilities in growing pigs and sows.
Journal of animal science May, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10340584
The effect of feeding level and physiological status on total flow and amino acid composition of endogenous protein at the distal ileum in swine.
Journal of animal science May, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10340585
Neurogenesis in the visual system of embryonic and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). off.
Visual neuroscience May-Jun, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10349963
Characteristics of families who attend free vaccine fairs.
Pediatrics Jul, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10390283
"Miraculous" recovery from severe chronic psychosis after coma from septicemia.
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences , 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10440023
Changes in tissue composition associated with mammary gland growth during lactation in sows.
Journal of animal science Sep, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10492459
Variability among sources and laboratories in nutrient analyses of corn and soybean meal. NCR-42 Committee on Swine Nutrition. North Central Regional-42.
Journal of animal science Dec, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10641873
Effect of nutrient intake on mammary gland growth in lactating sows.
Journal of animal science Dec, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10641878
Mammary gland growth as influenced by litter size in lactating sows: impact on lysine requirement.
Journal of animal science Dec, 1999 | Pubmed ID: 10641879
Quality of life related to fear of falling and hip fracture in older women: a time trade off study.
BMJ (Clinical research ed.) Feb, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 10657327
In vitro evaluation of a novel prosthesis for laryngoplasty of horses with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy.
Equine veterinary journal Jan, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 10661384
Feeding value of an enzymatically digested protein for early-weaned pigs.
Journal of animal science Feb, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 10709922
The morphogenesis of the zebrafish eye, including a fate map of the optic vesicle.
Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists May, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 10822269
Growth of nursing pigs related to the characteristics of nursed mammary glands.
Journal of animal science May, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 10834588
Addition of eicosapentaenoic acid to gamma-linolenic acid-supplemented diets prevents serum arachidonic acid accumulation in humans.
The Journal of nutrition Aug, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 10917903
Let there be sight.
Neuron Aug, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 10985338
Factors influencing survival after resection for periampullary neoplasms.
American journal of surgery Jul, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11036132
Variability among sources and laboratories in analyses of wheat middlings. NCR-42 Committee on Swine Nutrition.
Journal of animal science Oct, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11048931
Effect of starter feeding program on growth performance and gains of body components from weaning to market weight in swine.
Journal of animal science Nov, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11063313
Modulation of cell proliferation in the embryonic retina of zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists Nov, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11066095
Modulation of calcium current by recombinant GABA(B) receptors.
Neuroreport Nov, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11095493
Effect of apolipoprotein A-IV genotype and dietary fat on cholesterol absorption in humans.
Journal of lipid research Dec, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11108737
Corneal crystals.
Clinical eye and vision care Dec, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11137432
Lifestyle interventions influence relative errors in self-reported diet intake of sodium and potassium.
Annals of epidemiology Feb, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11164124
A nonlinear model for mammary gland growth and regression in lactating sows.
Growth, development, and aging : GDA , 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11192742
Effects of reduced sodium intake on hypertension control in older individuals: results from the Trial of Nonpharmacologic Interventions in the Elderly (TONE).
Archives of internal medicine Mar, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11231700
Value of three-dimensional US for optimizing guidance for ablating focal liver tumors.
Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR Apr, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11287540
Continued neurogenesis is not a pre-requisite for regeneration of a topographic retino-tectal projection.
Vision research Jun, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11369040
Statistical issues in analyzing 24-hour dietary recall and 24-hour urine collection data for sodium and potassium intakes.
American journal of epidemiology May, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11384956
Symptomatic post-traumatic cyst of the liver: treatment by laparoscopic surgery.
Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A Feb, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11444323
Nutritional value of fish meals in the diet for young pigs.
Journal of animal science Jul, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11465370
Standardized ileal protein and amino acid digestibility by growing pigs and sows.
Journal of animal science Aug, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11518220
Nutrient mobilization from body tissues as influenced by litter size in lactating sows.
Journal of animal science Aug, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11518227
Management of patients with multiple rib fractures.
American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Sep, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11548565
Adverse drug reactions in patients admitted to hospital identified by discharge ICD-10 codes and by spontaneous reports.
British journal of clinical pharmacology Sep, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11560569
Dynamic ideal protein and limiting amino acids for lactating sows: the impact of amino acid mobilization.
Journal of animal science Sep, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11583422
The regression of unsuckled mammary glands during lactation in sows: the influence of lactation stage, dietary nutrients, and litter size.
Journal of animal science Oct, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11721846
The chromosome partitioning protein, ParB, is required for cytokinesis in Caulobacter crescentus.
Molecular microbiology Nov, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11722739
Endoscopic prosthesis augmentation of the lower esophageal sphincter in swine.
American journal of surgery Dec, 2001 | Pubmed ID: 11839341
Construct analysis of four modes of being present.
Journal of holistic nursing : official journal of the American Holistic Nurses' Association Dec, 2000 | Pubmed ID: 11847793
Recombinant GABA(B) receptors formed from GABA(B1) and GABA(B2) subunits selectively inhibit N-type Ca(2+) channels in NG108-15 cells.
European journal of pharmacology Apr, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 11959084
In vitro estrogen receptor binding of PCBs: measured activity and detection of hydroxylated metabolites in a recombinant yeast assay.
Toxicology and applied pharmacology May, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12009855
Architectural programming for the workplace and the careplace.
The Journal of oncology management : the official journal of the American College of Oncology Administrators May-Jun, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12068992
ParB-stimulated nucleotide exchange regulates a switch in functionally distinct ParA activities.
Molecular cell Aug, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12191487
The effect of litter size and day of lactation on amino acid uptake by the porcine mammary glands.
Journal of animal science Sep, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12350018
The zebrafish eye: developmental and genetic analysis.
Results and problems in cell differentiation , 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12353485
The American journal of nursing Dec, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12473930
Productive interaction between the chromosome partitioning proteins, ParA and ParB, is required for the progression of the cell cycle in Caulobacter crescentus.
Molecular microbiology Mar, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12603730
Variability in mixing efficiency and laboratory analyses of a common diet mixed at 25 experiment stations.
Journal of animal science Feb, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12643493
Novel mutations of the growth hormone 1 (GH1) gene disclosed by modulation of the clinical selection criteria for individuals with short stature.
Human mutation Apr, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12655557
Effects of protein deprivation on subsequent growth performance, gain of body components, and protein requirements in growing pigs.
Journal of animal science Mar, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12661651
Assessment of radioactive residues arising from radiolabel instability in a multiple dose tissue distribution study in rats.
Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin May, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12736492
Planning for patient privacy and hospitability: a must do in oncology care.
The Journal of oncology management : the official journal of the American College of Oncology Administrators May-Jun, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12803447
Inserting guidewires.
Critical care nurse Jun, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12830776
Influences of dietary protein level, amino acid supplementation and environmental temperature on performance, body composition, organ weights and total heat production of growing pigs.
Journal of animal science Aug, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12926782
Use of carbohydrases in corn-soybean meal-based nursery diets.
Journal of animal science Oct, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 14552377
Themes from a grounded theory analysis of elder neglect assessment by experts.
The Gerontologist Oct, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 14570970
Advanced age, but not anergy, is associated with altered serum polyunsaturated fatty acid levels.
The journal of nutrition, health & aging , 2003 | Pubmed ID: 14625615
Influence of dietary protein level, amino acid supplementation, and dietary energy levels on growing-finishing pig performance and carcass composition.
Journal of animal science Dec, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 14677864
Long-term retention of endoscopically placed hydrogel prostheses at the lower esophageal sphincter in pigs.
Surgical endoscopy Mar, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 14752644
A novel dysfunctional growth hormone variant (Ile179Met) exhibits a decreased ability to activate the extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway.
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism Mar, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15001589
Simultaneous serous cystadenoma of the pancreas and mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix.
JOP : Journal of the pancreas Mar, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15007191
Confidentiality: more than a linkage file and a locked drawer.
IRB Mar-Apr, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15069972
Difference in rates of net portal absorption between crystalline and protein-bound lysine and threonine in growing pigs fed once daily.
Journal of animal science Apr, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15080330
Effect of soybean variety and processing on growth performance of young chicks and pigs.
Journal of animal science Apr, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15080333
Competent patient care is dependent upon attending to empathic opportunities presented during interview sessions.
Current surgery May-Jun, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15165773
Design and technology: good business partners.
The Journal of oncology management : the official journal of the American College of Oncology Administrators Mar-Apr, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15180113
Abundance of dioxygenase genes similar to Ralstonia sp. strain U2 nagAc is correlated with naphthalene concentrations in coal tar-contaminated freshwater sediments.
Applied and environmental microbiology Jul, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15240274
Uncertain benefit: investigators' views and communications in early phase gene transfer trials.
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy Aug, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15294169
Estrogen content of dairy and swine wastes.
Environmental science & technology Jul, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15296306
Biotechnology-based odour control: design criteria and performance data.
Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research , 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15484776
Disclosing and responding to cancer "fears" during oncology interviews.
Social science & medicine (1982) Feb, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 15571904
Grief support for informal caregivers of patients with ALS: a national survey.
Neurology Jan, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 15642919
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma--a new standard?
Current surgery Sep-Oct, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 15727788
Contribution of prostanoids to endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in the digital circulation of women with primary Raynaud's disease.
Clinical science (London, England : 1979) Jul, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 15769250
Consent forms and the therapeutic misconception: the example of gene transfer research.
IRB Jan-Feb, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 15835063
Cell birth and death in the mouse retinal ganglion cell layer.
The Journal of comparative neurology Aug, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 15977166
Therapeutic misconception in early phase gene transfer trials.
Social science & medicine (1982) Jan, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16000230
Reduced anterior cingulate glutamate in pediatric major depression: a magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.
Biological psychiatry Nov, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16084860
The conserved flaF gene has a critical role in coupling flagellin translation and assembly in Caulobacter crescentus.
Molecular microbiology Aug, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16091049
Coagulopathy review.
Current surgery Jul-Aug, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 16093164
Emotion recognition deficits in pediatric anxiety disorders: implications for amygdala research.
Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology Aug, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16190788
Improving services for sex partners of chlamydia-infected patients in an HMO.
The American journal of managed care Oct, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16232002
The trans-acting flagellar regulatory proteins, FliX and FlbD, play a central role in linking flagellar biogenesis and cytokinesis in Caulobacter crescentus.
Microbiology (Reading, England) Nov, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16272391
Efficient gene-driven germ-line point mutagenesis of C57BL/6J mice.
BMC genomics , 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16300676
Genome science: a video tour of the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center for high school and undergraduate students.
Cell biology education , 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16341256
Comprehensive care plus creative architecture.
The Journal of oncology management : the official journal of the American College of Oncology Administrators , 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16454114
Optimisation and validation of a medium-throughput electrophysiology-based hERG assay using IonWorks HT.
Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods Sep-Oct, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16563806
Genetic variation at the growth hormone (GH1) and growth hormone receptor (GHR) loci as a risk factor for hypertension and stroke.
Human genetics Jun, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16572267
Minimally invasive surgery: training in resident education.
Current surgery May-Jun, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16757366
Evaluation of the order of limitation of lysine, threonine, and valine, as determined by plasma urea nitrogen, in corn-soybean meal diets of lactating sows with high body weight loss.
Journal of animal science Jul, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16775057
Monte Carlo studies of isomers, structures, and properties in benzene-cyclohexane clusters: computation strategy and application to the dimer and trimer, (C6H6)(C6H12)n, n = 1-2.
The journal of physical chemistry. A Feb, 2005 | Pubmed ID: 16833394
The meaning of work for two high school seniors.
Work (Reading, Mass.) , 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16873977
"Una mujer trabaja doble aqui": Vignette-based focus groups on stress and work for Latina blue-collar women in eastern North Carolina.
Health promotion practice Jan, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 16885510
Macroscopic mass and energy balance of a pilot plant anaerobic bioreactor operated under thermophilic conditions.
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology , 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16915704
Novel techniques in hernia repair.
Current surgery Sep-Oct, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16971199
The many meanings of care in clinical research.
Sociology of health & illness Sep, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 17184413
Responses to conflict and cooperation in adolescents with anxiety and mood disorders.
Journal of abnormal child psychology Aug, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17340177
Traffic report. Advice on improving a hospital wayfinding system.
Health facilities management Mar, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17424894
Minimally invasive procedures for diagnosis of traumatic right diaphragmatic tears: a method for correct diagnosis in selected patients.
The American surgeon Apr, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17439035
Management of penetrating neck injuries: zone II.
Journal of surgical education Mar-Apr, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17462206
Cultural competence among staff nurses who participated in a family-centered geriatric care program.
Journal for nurses in staff development : JNSD : official journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization May-Jun, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17538262
Pharmacological validation of a semi-automated in vitro hippocampal brain slice assay for assessment of seizure liability.
Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods Sep-Oct, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17600733
Amygdala and hippocampal volumes in familial early onset major depressive disorder.
Biological psychiatry Feb, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 17640621
Saccharomyces cerevisiae BLYAS, a new bioluminescent bioreporter for detection of androgenic compounds.
Applied and environmental microbiology Oct, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17675419
NOTES: the hybrid technique.
Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A Aug, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17705716
Optimisation and validation of a medium-throughput electrophysiology-based hNav1.5 assay using IonWorks.
Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods Jan-Feb, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 17980627
A Monte Carlo study of isomers and structural evolution in benzene-cyclohexane clusters: (C6H6)(C6H12)n, n=3-7, 12.
The journal of physical chemistry. A Dec, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 18044853
Clinical trials and medical care: defining the therapeutic misconception.
PLoS medicine Nov, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 18044980
Penetrating colon injuries: primary anastomosis versus diversion.
Journal of surgical education Jan-Feb, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18308278
Gray matter differences between pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder patients and high-risk siblings: a preliminary voxel-based morphometry study.
Neuroscience letters Apr, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18314272
Gray matter structural alterations in psychotropic drug-naive pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: an optimized voxel-based morphometry study.
The American journal of psychiatry Oct, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18413702
Service users' feedback on cognitive training in the treatment of anorexia nervosa: a qualitative study.
The International journal of eating disorders Sep, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18433016
Hybrid natural orifice translumenal surgery (NOTES) sleeve gastrectomy: a feasibility study using an animal model.
Surgical endoscopy Aug, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18437477
Striatal volume abnormalities in treatment-naïve patients diagnosed with pediatric major depressive disorder.
Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology Apr, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18439110
When the rules do not work: head injury without loss of consciousness.
The Journal of emergency medicine Jul, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18504083
Management of vascular graft infections with soft tissue coverage.
Journal of surgical education May-Jun, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18571129
Lean mass loss is associated with low protein intake during dietary-induced weight loss in postmenopausal women.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association Jul, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18589032
Effects of dietary protein on the composition of weight loss in post-menopausal women.
The journal of nutrition, health & aging Oct, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18810296
Growth hormone (GH1) gene variation and the growth hormone receptor (GHR) exon 3 deletion polymorphism in a West-African population.
Molecular and cellular endocrinology Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18950677
The addition of ground wheat straw as a fiber source in the gestation diet of sows and the effect on sow and litter performance for three successive parities.
Journal of animal science Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18952734
Vacuum-free x-ray source based on ultrashort laser irradiation of solids.
Optics express Oct, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18958050
Screening of potentially hormonally active chemicals using bioluminescent yeast bioreporters.
Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology Jan, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18996888
Gender differences in academic entitlement among college students.
The Journal of genetic psychology Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 19069582
Orbitofrontal cortex volumes in medication naïve children with major depressive disorder: a magnetic resonance imaging study.
Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 19108659
Effect of heating strategy on power consumption and performance of a pilot plant anaerobic digester.
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology May, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19127441
Increased protein intake on controlled oxalate diets does not increase urinary oxalate excretion.
Urological research Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19183980
Effect of exercise intensity on abdominal fat loss during calorie restriction in overweight and obese postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial.
The American journal of clinical nutrition Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19211823
The clinical anatomy of the sinutubular junction.
Anatomical science international Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19224331
Effect of soda consumption on urinary stone risk parameters.
Journal of endourology / Endourological Society Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19275488
Ways of knowing and willingness to argue.
The Journal of psychology Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19306676
Glutamate receptor gene (GRIN2B) associated with reduced anterior cingulate glutamatergic concentration in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Psychiatry research May, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19324536
Natural orifice surgery: initial clinical experience.
Surgical endoscopy Jul, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19343435
As(III) removal by palladium-modified nitrogen-doped titanium oxide nanoparticle photocatalyst.
Environmental science & technology Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19350931
Application of in-line liquid chromatography-accurate radioisotope counting-mass spectrometry (LC-ARC-MS) to evaluate metabolic profile of [3H]-mefenamic acid in rat plasma.
Drug metabolism letters Aug, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 19356041
Video. NOTES: transvaginal cholecystectomy with assisting articulating instruments.
Surgical endoscopy Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19430835
A 46-year-old woman with altered mental status and garbled speech.
The Journal of emergency medicine Jul, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19481406
Approaches to seizure risk assessment in preclinical drug discovery.
Drug discovery today Sep, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19545644
The impact of proton-pump inhibitors on intraperitoneal sepsis: a word of caution for transgastric NOTES procedures.
Surgical endoscopy Jan, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19551440
The inflammatory response in transgastric surgery: gastric content leak leads to localized inflammatory response and higher adhesive disease.
Surgical endoscopy Mar, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19688397
Comparing views of patients, parents, and clinicians on emotions in anorexia: a qualitative study.
Journal of health psychology Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19786510
Vascular metallomics: copper in the vasculature.
Vascular medicine (London, England) Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19808712
The stability of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents.
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19837941
Community grants for research projects.
Journal of perianesthesia nursing : official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses / American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19853821
Orbital frontal cortex in treatment-naïve pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Psychiatry research Feb, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20074911
An introduction to QT interval prolongation and non-clinical approaches to assessing and reducing risk.
British journal of pharmacology Jan, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20141516
Video. Magnetic retraction for NOTES transvaginal cholecystectomy.
Surgical endoscopy Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20177916
The impact of music on the PACU patient's perception of discomfort.
Journal of perianesthesia nursing : official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses / American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20359642
Quasimonoenergetic electron beams with relativistic energies and ultrashort duration from laser-solid interactions at 0.5 kHz.
Physical review letters Dec, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 20366152
Neonatal testicular trauma: scrotal rupture.
Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition May, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20444811
Cervical spine injuries in children, part I: mechanism of injury, clinical presentation, and imaging.
The Journal of emergency medicine Aug, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20493655
Cervical spine injuries in children, part II: management and special considerations.
The Journal of emergency medicine Sep, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20493656
Clinical problem-solving. All in the family.
The New England journal of medicine Jun, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20519683
Agricultural management explains historic changes in regional soil carbon stocks.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Aug, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20679194
Quantification of Self Pollution from Two Diesel School Buses using Three Independent Methods.
Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994) Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20694046
In situ characterization of cloud condensation nuclei, interstitial, and background particles using the single particle mass spectrometer, SPLAT II.
Analytical chemistry Oct, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20718425
Separation and identification of oligonucleotides by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC)-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS).
The Analyst Oct, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20830328
Metabolism of fructose to oxalate and glycolate.
Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et métabolisme Nov, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20842614
Predicting performance on the American Board of Surgery qualifying and certifying examinations: a multi-institutional study.
Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) Sep, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20855755
High-order harmonic generation from solid targets with 2 mJ pulses.
Optics letters Oct, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20890328
Inside out.
Lancet Oct, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20965559
Glutamate system genes associated with ventral prefrontal and thalamic volume in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Brain imaging and behavior Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 21031159
Protein phosphorylation studies of cerebral spinal fluid for potential biomarker development.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science May, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21069180
Transfixation cast technique for arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint of horses.
Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.T , 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21103656
Rapid reaction of nanomolar Mn(II) with superoxide radical in seawater and simulated freshwater.
Environmental science & technology Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21375329
Wnt5a as an effector of TGFβ in mammary development and cancer.
Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia Jun, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21416313
Characterization of natural ventilation in wastewater collection systems.
Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation Mar, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21466074
Therapists' experiences of cognitive remediation therapy for anorexia nervosa: implications for working with adolescents.
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21482581
Distinguishing between major depressive disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder in children by measuring regional cortical thickness.
Archives of general psychiatry May, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21536980
Antecedents and trajectories of achievement goals: a self-determination theory perspective.
The British journal of educational psychology Jun, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21542816
Impact of dietary calcium and oxalate, and Oxalobacter formigenes colonization on urinary oxalate excretion.
The Journal of urology Jul, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21575973
Measuring in-cabin school bus tailpipe and crankcase PM2.5: a new dual tracer method.
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995) May, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21608489
"That's a good question": university researchers' views on ownership and retention of human genetic specimens.
Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics Jun, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21659952
Clinical decision making in psychiatry by psychiatrists.
Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica Nov, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21740401
It's good to know: how treatment knowledge and belief affect the outcome of distant healing intentionality for arthritis sufferers.
Journal of psychosomatic research Aug, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21767688
Fertility and prenatal attitudes towards pregnancy in women with eating disorders: results from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children.
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Nov, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21810162
Street talk.
Scientific American Sep, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21870450
Significant proteins affecting cerebral vasospasm using complementary ICPMS and MALDI-MS.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science Jan, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 21976047
The use of mechanical ventilation in the ED.
The American journal of emergency medicine Sep, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22100473
The impact of dietary calcium and oxalate ratios on stone risk.
Urology Jun, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22480460
Compressor optimization with compressor-based multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan (MIIPS).
Optics letters Apr, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22513694
Calculation and mitigation of isotopic interferences in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry assays and its application in supporting microdose absolute bioavailability studies.
Analytical chemistry Jun, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22540405
Emergent pediatric thoracotomy following traumatic arrest.
Resuscitation Jun, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22705411
Development of innovative techniques for the endoscopic implantation and securing of a novel, wireless, miniature gastrostimulator (with videos).
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22726478
A female with rash and Fever: concomitant dermal and pulmonary varicella.
Annals of emergency medicine Aug, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22818366
Physicians' Assessment of Pediatric Returns to the Emergency Department.
The Journal of emergency medicine Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22818645
"Not all my fault": Genetics, stigma, and personal responsibility for women with eating disorders.
Social science & medicine (1982) Oct, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22819736
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