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为确保最小的材料损失,(1)使用DNA低结合管和吸头(参见 材料表),(2)将试剂放在管壁上,而不是将吸头引入样品内部,(3)如果可能,通过倒置而不是上下移液样品混合样品,然后向下旋转以回收样品。

1. 细胞固定

  1. 悬浮生长的细胞
    1. 收获 50,000 至 100 万个细胞,并将它们放入 DNA 低结合的 1.5 mL 管中。
    2. 使用固定角度转子离心机在600× g (4°C)下离心细胞5分钟,并通过移液除去上清液。
    3. 在室温下将细胞重悬于补充有 10% 胎牛血清 (FBS) 的 1 mL RPMI 1640 中。
    4. 加入 143 μL 不含甲醇的 16% 甲醛,达到 2% 的浓度并混合。
    5. 将细胞孵育10分钟,同时在室温下旋转以固定细胞。
    6. 通过加入 164 μL 冰冷的 1 M 甘氨酸并混合来淬灭反应。孵育细胞5分钟,在室温下旋转。
    7. 进一步将细胞在冰上孵育15分钟,每~5分钟倒置混合一次。
    8. 使用固定角度转子离心机在1,000× g (4°C)下离心细胞10....


liCHi-C提供了生成高质量和分辨率的全基因组启动子相互作用组文库的可能性,只需50,000个细胞53。这是通过 - 除了大幅减少反应体积和在整个方案中使用DNA低结合塑料器皿 - 从原始方案中消除不必要的步骤来实现的,在这些步骤中会发生显着的材料损失。这些包括脱钩后的苯酚纯化,生物素去除以及随后的苯酚-氯仿纯化和乙醇沉淀。除此之外,重新组织Hi-C文库制备的步骤(生.......


liCHi-C提供了使用PCHi-C的类似实验框架生成高分辨率启动子相互作用组库的能力,但细胞数量大大减少。通过消除不必要的步骤,例如苯酚纯化和生物素去除,可以极大地实现这一点。在经典的核内连接Hi-C方案57 及其随后的衍生技术PCHi-C中,生物素从非连接的限制性内切性片段中去除,以避免拉下随后没有信息的DNA片段。跳过这部分及其随后的DNA纯化不会显着降低有效读数的百?.......




我们感谢哈维尔实验室的其他成员对手稿的反馈。我们感谢CERCA计划,加泰罗尼亚将军和Josep Carreras基金会的机构支持。这项工作由FEDER/西班牙科学与创新部(RTI2018-094788-A-I00),欧洲血液学协会(4823998)和西班牙抗癌协会(AECC)LABAE21981JAVI资助。BMJ由La Caixa银行基金会青年领袖项目(LCF/BQ/PI19/11690001)资助,LR由AGAUR FI奖学金(2019FI-B00017)资助,LT-D由FPI奖学金(PRE2019-088005)资助。我们感谢巴塞罗那自治大学的生物化学和分子生物学博士课程的支持。没有一个资助者在实验设计或手稿写作的任何时候都参与其中。



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.4 mM Biotin-14-dATPInvitrogen19524-016
0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0InvitrogenAM9260G
1 M Tris pH 8.0InvitrogenAM9855G
10x NEBuffer 2New England BiolabsB7002SReferenced as restriction buffer 2 in the manuscript
10x PBSFisher ScientificBP3994
10x T4 DNA ligase reaction bufferNew England BiolabsB0202S
16% formaldehyde solution (w/v), methanol-freeThermo Scientific28908
20 mg/mL Bovine Serum AlbuminNew England BiolabsB9000S
5 M NaClInvitrogenAM9760G
5PRIME Phase Lock Gel Light tubesQiuantabio2302820For phenol-chloroform purification in section 4 (DNA purification). Phase Lock Gel tubes are a commercial type of tubes specially designed to maximize DNA recovery after phenol-chloroform purifications while avoiding carryover of contaminants in the organic phase by containing a resin of intermediate density which settles between the organic and aqueous phase and isolates them. PLG tubes should be spun at 12,000 x g for 30 s before use to ensure that the resin is well-placed at the bottom of the tube
Adapters and PCR primers for library amplificationIntegrated DNA Technologies-Bought as individual primers with PAGE purification for NGS
Cell scrappersNunc179693Or any other brand
Centrifuge (fixed-angle rotor for 1.5 mL tubes)Any brand
CHiCAGO R package1.14.0
CleanNGS beadsCleanNACNGS-0050
dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTPPromegaU120A, U121A, U122A, U123AOr any other brand
DNA LoBind tube, 1.5 mLEppendorf30108051
DNA LoBind tube, 2 mLEppendorf30108078
DNA polymerase I large (Klenow) fragment 5000 units/mLNew England BiolabsM0210L
Dynabeads MyOne Streptavidin C1 beadsInvitrogen65002For biotin pull-down of the pre-captured library in section 8 (biotin pull-down)
Dynabeads MyOne Streptavidin T1 beadsInvitrogen65602For biotin pull-down of the post-captured library in section 11 (biotin pull-down and PCR amplification)
DynaMag-2Invitrogen12321DOr any other magnet suitable for 1.5 ml tubeL
Ethanol absoluteVWR20821.321
FBS, qualifiedGibco10270-106Or any other brand
GlycineFisher BioReagentsBP381-1
GlycoBlue CoprecipitantInvitrogenAM9515Used for DNA coprecipitation in section 4 (DNA purification)
HindIII, 100 U/µLNew England BiolabsR0104T
IGEPAL CA-630Sigma-AldrichI8896-50ML
Klenow EXO- 5000 units/mLNew England BiolabsM0212L
Low-retention filter tips (10 µL, 20 µL, 200 µL and 1000 µL)ZeroTipPMT233010, PMT252020, PMT231200, PMT252000
M220 Focused-ultrasonicatorCovaris500295
Micro TUBE AFA Fiber Pre-slit snap cap 6 x 16 mm vialsCovaris520045For sonication in section 6 (sonication)
NheI-HF, 100 U/µLNew England BiolabsR3131M
Nuclease-free molecular biology grade waterSigma-AldrichW4502
PCR primers for quality controlsIntegrated DNA Technologies-
PCR strips and capsAgilent Technologies410022, 401425
Phenol: Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol 25:24:1, Saturated with 10 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTASigma-AldrichP3803
Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF BufferNew England BiolabsM0531LFor amplification of the library in sections 9 (dATP-tailing, adapter ligation and PCR amplification)
and 11 (biotin pull-down and PCR amplification)
Protease inhibitor cocktail (EDTA-free)Roche11873580001
Proteinase K, recombinant, PCR gradeRoche3115836001
Qubit 1x dsDNA High Sensitivity kitInvitrogenQ33230For DNA quantification after precipitation in section 4 (DNA purification)
Qubit assay tubesInvitrogenQ32856
rCutsmart bufferNew England BiolabsB6004S
RPMI Medium 1640 1x + GlutaMAXGibco61870-010Or any other brand
SDS - Solution 10% for molecular biologyPanReac AppliChemA0676
Sodium acetate pH 5.2Sigma-AldrichS7899-100ML
SureSelect custom 3-5.9 Mb libraryAgilent Technologies5190-4831Custom designed mouse or human capture system, used for the capture
SureSelect Target Enrichment Box 1Agilent Technologies5190-8645Used for the capture
SureSelect Target Enrichment Kit ILM PE Full AdapterAgilent Technologies931107Used for the capture
T4 DNA ligase 1 U/µLInvitrogen15224025For ligation in section 3 (ligation and decrosslink)
T4 DNA ligase 2000000/mLNew England BiolabsM0202TFor ligation in section 9 (dATP-tailing, adapter ligation and PCR amplification)
T4 DNA polymerase 3000 units/mLNew England BiolabsM0203L
T4 PNK 10000 units/mLNew England BiolabsM0201L
Tapestation 4200 instrumentAgilent TechnologiesFor automated electrophoresis in section 9 (dATP-tailing, adapter ligation, and PCR amplification) and
section 11
(Biotin pull-down and PCR amplification). Any other automated electrophoresis system is valid
Tapestation reagentsAgilent Technologies5067-5582, 5067-5583, 5067-5584, 5067-5585,For automated electrophoresis in section 9 (dATP-tailing, adapter ligation, and PCR amplification) and
section 11
(Biotin pull-down and PCR amplification). Any other automated electrophoresis system is valid
Triton X-100 for molecular biologyPanReac AppliChemA4975
Tween 20Sigma-AldrichP9416-50ML


  1. Hatton, C. S., et al. α-thalassemia caused by a large (62 kb) deletion upstream of the human α globin gene cluster. Blood. 76 (1), 221-227 (1990).
  2. Toikkanen, S., Helin, H., Isola, J., Joensuu, H.


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