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Tension Tests of Polymers


Source: Roberto Leon, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Polymeric materials are widely used in civil structures, with uses ranging from very soft sealants to more rigid pipes in water and wastewater systems. The most basic definition of a polymer is a molecular structure with repeating subunits. The term polymer comes from Greek, where "poly" means many, and "-mer" means basic unit. Monomers, or single mers, are the specific repeating units. With polymers, the structure, including the length of the carbon backbone and the varying flexibility, will dictate the properties of the polymer. Polymers are classified into 3 subcategories: plastics, elastomers, and rigid rod polymers. Plastics are further subdivided into thermosets, which do not soften on heating, and thermoplastics, which do soften when heated and harden on cooling. Additionally, thermoplastics are mostly linear or branched polymers with little to no cross-linking, whereas thermosets exhibit 3D structure and have extensive cross-linking. Elastomers, or rubbers, are long, coiled chains and can be stretched to twice the original length, but will contract back to the original size when released, whereas rigid rod polymers do not stretch and are strong, crystalline structures.

In this laboratory, we will look at several different polymeric materials, including high density polyethylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chlorides (PVC), nylon, and methyl methacrylate (acrylic) in order to understand the breadth and diversity of the stress-strain curves for these materials and how their mechanical properties affect their performance.

  1. Obtain typical tensile specimens of acrylic, nylon, HPDE, and PVC polymeric materials.
  2. Using a micrometer, measure the width and thickness at several locations along the shaft of each specimen to determine the average cross-sectional dimensions. Record the average measured width and thickness of each specimen on the data sheet.
  3. Place the specimen in the grips. Make sure that at least 80% of each end is firmly attached to the grips, which will help ensure against slippage during the loading operation. Sandpaper may

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Typical failures for these materials are shown in Fig. 1 to Fig. 4. Fig. 1 shows the progression of failure in a polyethylene, with an initial necking and subsequent progression of necking up and down the specimen as the polymeric chains uncoil. High-density polyethylene material, if loaded slowly, can stretch to several times its initial length (Fig. 2). PVC, on the other hand, shows a similar failure progression, but with much lower ductility (Fig. 3). This figure also demonstrates the

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Application and Summary

Fig. 9 shows the large variation in load-deformation characteristics for several polymers. The behavior ranges from purely strong, elastic and brittle for the acrylic specimen to soft, highly visco-elastic and very ductile for the HDPE. These reflect the extreme properties of thermosets (acrylic) to thermoplastic (HDPE, nylon and PVC). It is interesting to note that the PVC, which is frequently used in finished and pies in our buildings and homes, shows a good balance of strength, viscoelasticity and ductility.

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Tension TestsPolymersMaterialsMolecular StructureRepeating SubunitsMonomersForm holding PlasticsFlexible ElastomersThermoplasticsThermosetsElastomersRubbersStress strain CurvesMechanical PropertiesDeformation





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