The overall goal of this screening is to find potential therapeutic drugs against blood cancers.Begin this procedure by selecting a subset of Heptamer sequences.The sequences can be random, or designed to target specific cellular RNAs.To target specific cellular RNAs, use an appropriate computer program to find hairpin structures resembling the T-arm in a target RNA.Select complementary seven-nucleotide sequences immediately downstream of the hairpin.Using the phosphoramidite method on the controlled pore glass, or CPG support, synthesize each of the selected Heptamers as a fully 2-prime O-methylated, 5-prime and 3-prime phosphorylated RNA with the DNA-RNA synthesizer.Leave the 5-prime terminal DMT protecting group on in the last cycle of the synthesis.After completion of the last cycle, transfer the CPG with the synthesized oligonucleotide from the column to a glass vial with a teflon-lined screw cap.Add 1mL of 29%ammonium hydroxide and incubate the tube at 55